Mixed MQ coherence MQ-MAS references
Below are provided some NMR references about MQ-MAS with mixed MQ coherences
applied to half-integer quadrupole spins. These references contain
(1) the pulse-sequence diagram,
(2) the coherence-transfer pathways,
(3) the phase-cycling.
A. Jerschow and R. Kumar
Calculation of coherence pathway selection and cogwheel cycles, (1)(2)
J. Magn. Reson. 160, 59-64 (2003). -
J. D. Walls, K. H. Lim, J. W. Logan, J. T. Urban, A. Jerschow,
and A. Pines
Theoretical investigations of I = 5/2 quadrupolar spin dynamics in the sudden-passage regime, (3)
J. Chem. Phys. 117, 518-532 (2002). -
J. W. Logan, J. T. Urban, J. D. Walls, K. H. Lim, A. Jerschow,
and A. Pines
Investigations of low-amplitude radio frequency pulses at and away from rotary resonance conditions for I=5/2 Nuclei, (1)(2)(3)
Solid State Nucl. Magn. Reson. 22, 97-109 (2002). -
A. Jerschow, J. W. Logan, and A. Pines
High-resolution NMR of quadrupolar nuclei using mixed multiple-quantum coherences, (1)(2)(3)
J. Magn. Reson. 149, 268-270 (2001).