Solid-state rubidium NMR references
Tamar Wolf, Michael J. Jaroszewicz, and Lucio Frydman
Quadrupolar isotope-correlation spectroscopy in solid-state NMR,
J. Phys. Chem. C 126, 9386–9395 (2022).
Open access -
Gang Wu, Victor V. Terskikh, and Alan Wong
Perspectives of fast magic-angle spinning 87Rb NMR of organic solids at high magnetic fields,
Magn. Reson. Chem. 59, 161-171 (2021).
Abstract -
Henri Colaux, Daniel M. Dawson, and Sharon E. Ashbrook
Investigating FAM-N pulses for signal enhancement in MQMAS NMR of quadrupolar nuclei,
Solid State Nucl. Magn. Reson. 84, 89-102 (2017).
Open access -
J. Schneider, J. Tsuchida, and H. Eckert
Cation size effects in mixed-ion metaphosphate glasses: structural characterization by multinuclear solid state NMR spectroscopy,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15, 14328-14339 (2013).
Abstract -
Thorsten Goebel, Alim Ormeci, Oliver Pecher, and Frank Haarmann
The silicides M4Si4 with M = Na, K, Rb, Cs, and Ba2Si4 – NMR spectroscopy and quantum mechanical calculations,
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 638, 1437-1445 (2012).
Abstract -
Thorsten Goebel, Yurii Prots, Alim Ormeci, Oliver Pecher, and Frank Haarmann
Synthesis, crystal structure and chemical bonding of the Zintl phase Rb7NaSi8,
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Abstract -
L. A. O'Dell, K. J. Harris, and R. W. Schurko
Optimized excitation pulses for the acquisition of static NMR powder patterns from half-integer quadrupolar nuclei,
J. Magn. Reson. 203, 156-166 (2010).
Abstract -
Nicole M. Trease, Krishna K. Dey, and Philip J. Grandinetti
Optimum excitation of "enhanced" central transition populations,
J. Magn. Reson. 200, 334-339 (2009).
Abstract -
Ivan Hung, Alan Wong, Andy P. Howes, Tiit Anupõld, Ago Samoson,
Mark E. Smith, Diane Holland, Steven P. Brown, and Ray Dupree
Separation of isotropic chemical and second-order quadrupolar shifts by multiple-quantum double rotation NMR,
J. Magn. Reson. 197, 229-236 (2009).
Abstract -
Yannick Millot, Redouane Hajjar, and Pascal P. Mana
Determination of NMR cogwheel phase cycle with XML,
Solid State Nucl. Magn. Reson. 35, 223-239 (2009).
Abstract -
Krishna K. Dey, Jason T. Ash, Nicole M. Trease, and Philip J. Grandinetti
Trading sensitivity for information: Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill acquisition in solid-state NMR,
J. Chem. Phys. 133, 054501/1-054501/10 (2008).
Abstract -
Joel A. Tang, Luke A. O’Dell, Pedro M. Aguiar, Bryan E. G. Lucier,
Dimitris Sakellariou, and Robert W. Schurko
Application of static microcoils and WURST pulses for solid-state ultra-wideline NMR spectroscopy of quadrupolar nuclei ,
Chem. Phys. Lett. 466, 227-234 (2008).
Abstract -
Luke A. O’Dell and Robert W. Schurko
QCPMG using adiabatic pulses for faster acquisition of ultra-wideline NMR spectra,
Chem. Phys. Lett. 464, 97-102 (2008).
Abstract -
M. J. Thrippleton, T. J. Ball, and S. Wimperis
Satellite transitions acquired in real time by magic angle spinning (STARTMAS): "Ultrafast" high-resolution MAS NMR spectroscopy of spin I = 3/2 nuclei ,
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Krishna K. Dey, S. Prasad, Jason T. Ash, Michael Deschamps, and Philip J. Grandinetti
Spectral editing in solid-state MAS NMR of quadrupolar nuclei using selective satellite inversion,
J. Magn. Reson. 185, 326-330 (2007).
Abstract -
R. Bhattacharyya and L. Frydman
Quadrupolar nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in solids using frequency-swept echoing pulses,
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Vladimir K. Michaelis, Pedro M. Aguiar, and Scott Kroeker
Probing alkali coordination environments in alkali borate glasses by multinuclear magnetic resonance,
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T. J. Ball and S. Wimperis
Use of SPAM and FAM pulses in high-resolution MAS NMR spectroscopy of quadrupolar nuclei,
J. Magn. Reson. 187, 343-351 (2007). -
J. Trebosc, J.-P. Amoureux, and Z. H. Gan
Comparison of high-resolution solid-state NMR MQMAS and STMAS methods for half-integer quadrupolar nuclei,
Solid State Nucl. Magn. Reson. 31, 1-9 (2007). -
R. Siegel, T. T. Nakashima, and R. E. Wasylishen
Sensitivity enhancement of NMR spectra of half-integer spin quadrupolar nuclei in solids using hyperbolic secant pulses,
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T. Vosegaard, C. Kehlet, N. Khaneja, S. J. Glaser, and N. C. Nielsen
Improved excitation schemes for multiple-quantum magic-angle spinning for quadrupolar nuclei designed using optimal control theory,
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S. E. Ashbrook and S. Wimperis
Rotor-synchronized acquisition of quadrupolar satellite-transition NMR spectra: practical aspects and double-quantum filtration,
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N. Malicki, L. Mafra, A.-A. Quoineaud, J. Rocha, F. Thibault-Starzyk, and C. Fernandez
Multiplex MQMAS NMR of quadrupolar nuclei,
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J.-P. Amoureux, L. Delevoye, G. Fink, F. Taulelle, A. Flambard, and L. Montagne
Implementing SPAM into STMAS: a net sensitivity improvement in high-resolution NMR of quadrupolar nuclei,
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B. O. Skadtchenko, M. Trudeau, R. W. Schurko, A. Y. H. Lo,
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Electronic properties and solid-state 87Rb and 13C NMR studies of mesoporous tantalum oxide rubidium fulleride composites,
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Renée Siegel, T. T. Nakashima, and R. E. Wasylishen
Sensitivity enhancement of MQMAS NMR spectra of spin 3/2 nuclei using hyperbolic secant pulses,
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Christophe Odin
Evidence of a phase transition of RbHCO3 from high-resolution solid-state 13C and 87Rb NMR by comparison with KHCO3,
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Abstract -
R. Siegel, T. T. Nakashima, and R. E. Wasylishen
Signal enhancement of NMR spectra of half-integer quadrupolar nuclei in solids using hyperbolic secant pulses,
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R. W. Schurko, I. Hung, and C. M. Widdifield
Signal enhancement in NMR spectra of half-integer quadrupolar nuclei via DFS-QCPMG and RAPT-QCPMG pulse sequences,
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H. T. Kwak and Z. H. Gan
Double-quantum filtered STMAS,
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S. E. Ashbrook and S. Wimperis
SCAM-STMAS: satellite-transition MAS NMR of quadrupolar nuclei with self-compensation for magic-angle misset,
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J.-P. Amoureux, C. Morais, J. Trebosc, J. Rocha, and C. Fernandez
I-STMAS, a new high-resolution solid-state NMR method for half-integer quadrupolar nuclei,
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P. K. Madhu, K. J. Pike, R. Dupree, M. H. Levitt, and M. E. Smith
Modulation-aided signal enhancement in the magic angle spinning NMR of spin-5/2 nuclei,
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A. Jerschow and R. Kumar
Calculation of coherence pathway selection and cogwheel cycles,
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R. Lefort, J. W. Wiench, M. Pruski, and J.-P. Amoureux
Optimization of data acquisition and processing in Carr-Purcel-Meiboom-Gill MQMAS NMR,
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S. Wi, J. W. Logan, D. Sakellariou, J. D. Walls, and A. Pines
Rotary resonance recoupling for half-integer quadrupolar nuclei in solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
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S. E. Ashbrook and S. Wimperis
Satellite-transition MAS NMR of spin I = 3/2, 5/2, 7/2, and 9/2 nuclei: sensitivity, resolution, and practical implementation,
J. Magn. Reson. 156, 269-281 (2002). -
D. D. Laws, H.-M. L. Bitter, and A. Jerschow
Solid-state NMR spectroscopic methods in chemistry,
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D. Massiot, F. Fayon, M. Capron, I. King, S. Le Calvé, B. Alonso,
J.-O. Durand, B. Bujoli, Z. Gan, and G. Hoatson
Modelling one- and two-dimensional solid-state NMR spectra,
Magn. Reson. Chem. 40, 70-76 (2002).
Solid-state NMR bibliography for
- Aluminum-27 (鋁)
- Antimony-121/123 (銻)
- Arsenic-75 (砷)
- Barium-135/137 (鋇)
- Beryllium-9 (鈹)
- Bismuth-209 (鉍)
- Boron-10/11 (硼)
- Bromine-79/81 (溴)
- Calcium-43 (鈣)
- Cesium-133 (銫)
- Chlorine-35/37 (氯)
- Chromium-53 (鉻)
- Cobalt-59 (鈷)
- Copper-63/65 (銅)
- Deuterium-2 (氘)
- Gallium-69/71 (鎵)
- Germanium-73 (鍺)
- Gold-197 (金)
- Hafnium-177/179 (鉿)
- Indium-113-115 (銦)
- Iodine-127 (碘)
- Iridium-191/193 (銥)
- Krypton-83 (氪)
- Lanthanum-139 (鑭)
- Lithium-6/7 (鋰)
- Magnesium-25 (鎂)
- Manganese-55 (錳)
- Mercury-201 (銾)
- Molybdenum-95/97 (鉬)
- Neon-21 (氖)
- Nickel-61 (鎳)
- Niobium-93 (鈮)
- Nitrogen-14 (氮)
- Osmium-189 (鋨)
- Oxygen-17 (氧)
- Palladium-105 (鈀)
- Potassium-39/41 (鉀)
- Rhenium-185/187 (錸)
- Rubidium-85/87 (銣)
- Ruthenium-99/101 (釕)
- Scandium-45 (鈧)
- Sodium-23 (鈉)
- Strontium-87 (鍶)
- Sulfur-33 (硫)
- Tantalum-181 (鉭)
- Titanium-47/49 (鈦)
- Vanadium-51 (釩)
- Xenon-131 (氥)
- Zinc-67 (鋅)
- Zirconium-91 (鋯)