Chlorine-35 and chlorine-37 NMR

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Isotope Spin Natural
abundance (%)
Quadrupole moment
NMR frequency (MHz)
at a field of 2.3488T
Cl-35 3/2 75.53 -8.165 4.70E-3 3.55E-3 -9.798 NaCl
Cl-37 3/2 24.47 -6.435 2.71E-3 6.63E-4 -8.156

Solid-state chlorine NMR references

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Related bibliography

  1. J. Teles, C. Rivera-Ascona, R. S. Polli, R. Oliveira-Silva, E. L. G. Vidoto, J. P. Andreeta, and T. J. Bonagamba
    Experimental implementation of quantum information processing by Zeeman-perturbed nuclear quadrupole resonance,
    Quantum Inf. Process. 14, 1889-1906 (2015).
  2. H. Kampermann, A. D. Bain, and R. S. Dumont
    Residual dipolar coupling in the CP/MAS nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of spin-1/2 nuclei coupled to quadrupolar nuclei application of floquet theory,
    J. Chem. Phys. 116, 2464-2471 (2002).
  3. B. Thomas, S. Paasch, S. Steuernagel, and K. Eichele
    Residual 31P, 35,37Cl dipolar coupling in 31P MAS spectra of chlorocyclophosphazenes,
    Solid State Nucl. Magn. Reson. 20, 108-117 (2001).
  4. B. Nagasaka, S. Takeda, and N. Nakamura
    Residual dipolar splittings in 13C CP/MAS NMR spectra due to quadrupolar halogen nuclei in uracil halides,
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 222, 486-492 (1994).

More solid-state Cl-35/37 NMR references.

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