*** Outline ***
- Java concurrency overview
- en.Wikipedia: Java concurrency
- en.Wikipedia: Concurrency pattern
- en.Wikipedia: Multi-core processor
Jakob Jenkov: Introduction to Java concurrency / multithreading
- Javamex: Java tutorials and performance information
Lars Vogel: Java concurrency / multithreading - Tutorial
- DZone: Core Java Concurrency ( PDF file) by Alex Miller
- cours.paumard.org: Programmation concurrente
- Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis: Mes supports de cours
- Université de Provence, Arnaud Labourel: Threads Java 1.5 - Synchronisation Avancée (PDF file)
- CSCI 5448, Spring 2011, Jay Daugherty: Java concurrency framework (PDF file)
Concurrent programming in Java: design principles and patterns,
Douglas Lea,
Google book- Doug Lea, State University of New York at Oswego: Concurrent Programming in Java (PDF file)
- Doug Lea: Concurrent programming in Java: Creating threads
Effective Java,
Joshua Bloch,
Google bookEffective Java - Programming Language Guide,
Joshua Bloch,
(PDF file)- Joshua Bloch: Effective Java™Reloaded (PDF file)
- Dennis de Champeaux, Douglas Lea, and Penelope Faure: Object-Oriented System Development
Core Java™ 2 Volume II - Advanced Features,
Cay S. Horstmann and Gary Cornell,
(PDF file)- javaworld: Book excerpt: Executing tasks in threads
- javaworld: Multicore processing for client-side Java applications
- enseignement.polytechnique: programmation, algorithmique et sémantique de systèmes parallèles et distribués
- informIT: An introduction to concurrent Java programming
- Java Concurrency in Practice
Java Concurrency In Practice,
Brian Goetz,
- Java Concurrency In Practice: INF329-Spring 2007 PDF file
- Code listings
- Java Concurrency Guidelines: PDF file
- Rice University: Conucrrency in Java MS PowerPoint file
- IBM, Java theory and practice:
More flexible, scalable locking in JDK 5.0
New lock classes improve on synchronized -- but don't count synchronized out just yet
- Java concurrency utilities
- Java 2 Platform Standard Ed. 5.0: Interface Callable<V>
- Java 2 Platform Standard Ed. 5.0: Interface Executor
- Java 2 Platform Standard Ed. 5.0: Interface ExecutorService
- jovialjava.blogspot: java.util.concurrent tutorial
- en.citizendium.org: Java concurrency package
- Oracle: Lesson: Concurrency
- Oracle: JDK 5.0 concurrency utilities
- Oracle: JDK 5.0 documentation
Jakob Jenkov: java.util.concurrent - Java 5 Concurrency Utilities
- javaspecialists: Are you really Multi-Core? by Dr. Heinz M. Kabutz
- stackoverflow: JAVA: How to scale threads according to cpu cores?
- Olivier Ricou: Les threads (PDF file)
- Threading with Swing
- Oracle: Lesson: Concurrency in Swing
- javaworld.com: Swing threading and the event-dispatch thread
- bitguru.wordpress.com: Will the real Swing Single Threading Rule please stand up?
- Prem's Blog: Synchronized multithreading with Swing
- Ecole d'ingénieurs et d'architectes de Fribourg, Jacques Bapst: Swing : timers et threads (pdf file)
- Threads and Swing (pdf file)
- u-picardie: Threads et Swing
- FutureTask
- Java platform standard ed. 6: Interface Future<V>
- Java platform standard ed. 7: Interface Future<V>
- Programming Examples: FutureTask
- fuseyism.com: Source for java.util.concurrent.FutureTask
- Java How To: Runnable, Callable, FutureTask, ExecutorService, and thread pool
- SwingWorker
- Java platform standard ed. 6: Class SwingWorker<T,V>
- Java platform standard ed. 7: Class SwingWorker<T,V>
- rom.developpez.com: SwingWorker (Java SE 6)
- en.wikipedia.org: SwingWorker
- Oracle, the Java tutorials: Worker threads and SwingWorker
- Oracle, the Java tutorials: How to use progress bars
- javaworld.com: Customize SwingWorker to improve Swing GUIs
- Wiki Python: SwingWorker Examples in Jython
- Nazmul: Creating multi-threaded Swing apps that consume web services
- jexp.ru: Java Tutorial/Swing/JProgressBar
- Oracle SDN: SwingWorker deadlocks due one thread in the swingworker-pool
- Thread pool
- Java 2 PlatformStandard Ed. 5.0: Class Executors
- Java 2 PlatformStandard Ed. 6.0: Class Executors - a class containing factory methods
- Java 2 PlatformStandard Ed. 5.0: Class ThreadPoolExecutor
- Oracle, The Java Tutorial: Thread pools
- programmingexamples: ThreadpoolExecutor
- java-x.blogspot: Java 5 Executors: ThreadPool
- Blog at WordPress.com: java.util.concurrent: Executors, Thread Pools(Cache, Fixed, Scheduled), ExecutorCompletionService – A tutoria
- Generics and Collections
- Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis, Richard Grin: Généricité (PDF file)
- informIT: What are generics?
- informIT: Java Collections and Iterators