西元 2025年 1月 4日
農曆 12月 5日
Solid-state nitrogen NMR references
Michael J. Jaroszewicz, Adam R. Altenhof, Robert W. Schurko, and Lucio Frydman
Sensitivity enhancement by progressive saturation of the proton reservoir: A solid-state NMR analogue of chemical exchange saturation transfer,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 19778-19784 (2021).
Open access -
Otto E. O. Zeman, Igor L. Moudrakovski, Carsten Hartmann, Sylvio Indris, and Thomas Bräuniger
Local electronic structure in AlN studied by single-crystal 27Al and 14N NMR and DFT calculations,
Molecules 25, 469-469 (2020).
Open access -
Diego Carnevale, Xiao Ji, and Geoffrey Bodenhausen
Double cross polarization for the indirect detection of nitrogen-14 nuclei in magic angle spinning NMR spectroscopy,
J. Chem. Phys. 147, 184201-8pp (2017).
Abstract -
Eddy Dib, Tzonka Mineva, and Bruno Alonso
Recent advances in 14N solid-state NMR,
Annu. Rep. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc. 87, 175-235 (2016).
Abstract -
Ibraheem M. Haies, James A. Jarvis, Harry Bentley, Ivo Heinmaa, Ilya Kuprov,
Philip T. F. Williamson, and Marina Carravetta
14N overtone NMR under MAS: signal enhancement using symmetry-based sequences and novel simulation strategies,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 6577--6587 (2015).
Abstract -
Luke A. O'Dell
The WURST kind of pulses in solid-state NMR,
Solid State Nucl. Magn. Reson. 55-56, 28-41 (2013).
Abstract -
Frédéric A. Perras, Cory M. Widdifield, and David L. Bryce
QUEST—QUadrupolar Exact SofTware: A fast graphical program for the exact simulation of NMR and NQR spectra for quadrupolar nuclei,
Solid State Nucl. Magn. Reson. 45-46, 36-44 (2012).
Abstract -
L. A. O'Dell
Direct detection of nitrogen-14 in solid-state NMR spectroscopy,
Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc. 59, 295-318 (2011).
Abstract -
L. A. O'Dell and C. I. Ratcliffe
14N magic angle spinning overtone NMR spectra,
Chem. Phys. Lett. 514, 168-173 (2011).
Abstract -
L. A. O'Dell, R. W. Schurko, K. J. Harris, J. Autschbach, and C. I. Ratcliffe
Interaction tensors and local dynamics in common structural motifs of nitrogen: A solid-state 14N NMR and DFT study,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 527-546 (2011).
Abstract -
Yusuke Nishiyama, Yuki Endo, Takahiro Nemoto, Hiroaki Utsumi,
Kazuo Yamauchi, Katsuya Hioka, and Tetsuo Asakura
Very fast magic angle spinning 1H-14N 2D solid-state NMR: Sub-micro-liter sample data collection in a few minutes,
J. Magn. Reson. 208, 44-48 (2011).
Abstract -
Lei Chen, Qiang Wang, Bingwen Hu, Olivier Lafon, Julien Trébosc, Feng Deng, and Jean-Paul Amoureux
Measurement of hetero-nuclear distances using a symmetry-based pulse sequence in solid-state NMR,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12, 9395-9405 (2010).
Abstract -
Simone Cavadini, Veronika Vitzthum, Simone Ulzega, Anuji Abraham, and Geoffrey Bodenhausen
Line-narrowing in proton-detected nitrogen-14 NMR,
J. Magn. Reson. 209, 57-63 (2010).
Abstract -
L. A. O'Dell and C. I. Ratcliffe
Ultra-wideline 14N NMR spectroscopy as a probe of molecular dynamics,
Chem. Commun. 46, 6774-6776 (2010).
Abstract -
Chunqi Qian, Riqiang Fu, Peter Gor’kov, William W. Brey, Timothy A. Cross, and Zhehong Gan
14N Polarization Inversion Spin Exchange at Magic Angle (PISEMA),
J. Magn. Reson. 196, 96-99 (2009).
Abstract -
L. A. O'Dell and R. W. Schurko
Static solid-state 14N NMR and computational studies of nitrogen EFG tensors in some crystalline amino acids,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 7069-7077 (2009).
Abstract -
L. A. O'Dell and R. W. Schurko
Fast and simple acquisition of solid-state 14N NMR spectra with signal enhancement via population transfer,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 6658-6659 (2009).
Abstract -
R. S. Stein, B. Elena, and L. Emsley
Improving resolution in proton solid-state NMR by removing nitrogen-14 residual dipolar broadening,
Chem. Phys. Lett. 458, 391-395 (2008). -
N. M. Trease and P. J. Grandinetti
Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance in the rotating tilted frame,
J. Chem. Phys. 128, 52318/1-52318/12 (2008). -
S. Cavadini, A. Abraham, and G. Bodenhausen
Coherence transfer between spy nuclei and nitrogen-14 in solids,
J. Magn. Reson. 190, 160-164 (2008). -
C. A. Fyfe, R. J. Darton, C. Schneider, and F. Scheffler
Solid-state NMR investigation of the possible existence of "Nanoblocks" in the clear solution synthesis of MFI materials,
J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 80-88 (2008). -
S. Cavadini, S. Antonijevic, A. Lupulescu, and G. Bodenhausen
Indirect detection of nitrogen-14 in solid-state NMR spectroscopy,
ChemPhysChem. 8, 1363-1374 (2007). -
T. N. Rudakov
Some aspects of spin-locking effect in nitrogen-14 quadrupolar spin-system,
Chem. Phys. Lett. 443, 269-273 (2007). -
H. J. Jakobsen, A. R. Hove, H. Bildsoe, J. Skibsted, M. Brorson
Long-term stability of rotor-controlled MAS frequencies to 0.1 Hz proved by 14N MAS NMR experiments and simulations,
J. Magn. Reson. 185, 159-163 (2007). -
Z. H. Gan, J.-P. Amoureux, and J. Trebosc
Proton-detected 14N MAS NMR using homonuclear decoupled rotary resonance,
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Z. H. Gan
13C/14N heteronuclear multiple-quantum correlation with rotary resonance and REDOR dipolar recoupling,
J. Magn. Reson. 184, 39-43 (2007). -
Z. H. Gan
Measuring multiple carbon-nitrogen distances in natural abundant solids using R-RESPDOR NMR,
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A. R. Hove, H. Bildsoe, J. Skibsted, M. Brorson, and H. J. Jakobsen
Probing crystal structures and transformation reactions of ammonium molybdates by 14N MAS NMR spectroscopy,
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H. J. Jakobsen, A. R. Hove, R. G. Hazell, H. Bildsøe, and J. Skibsted
Solid-state 14N MAS NMR of ammonium ions as a spy to structural insights for ammonium salts,
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J. P. Yesinowski
69,71Ga and 14N high-field NMR of gallium nitride films,
phys. stat. sol. (c) 2, 2399-2402 (2005). -
A. P. Purdy, J. P. Yesinowski, and A. T. Hanbicki
Synthesis, solid-state NMR, and magnetic characterization of h-GaN containing magnetic ions,
phys. stat. sol. (c) 2, 2437-2440 (2005). -
Gerard S. Harbison, Young-Sik Kye, Glenn H. Penner, Michelle Grandin, and Martine Monette
14N quadrupolar, 14N and 15N chemical shift, and 14N-1H dipolar tensors of sulfamic acid,
J. Phys. Chem. B 106, 10285-10291 (2002).
Abstract -
M. Punkkinen, A. H. Vuorimäki, E. E. Ylinen, and A. Kaikkonen
14N NMR echo in NH4ClO4 after the pulse sequence (θ1)x–τ–(θ2)y–t,
J. Magn. Reson. 130, 287-291 (1998).
Abstract -
E. A. Hill and J. P. Yesinowski
A slow turning method for measuring large anisotropic interactions in inhomogeneously broadened NMR spectra,
J. Chem. Phys. 106, 8650-8659 (1997). -
E. A. Hill and J. P. Yesinowski
Solid-state 14N NMR techniques for studying slow molecular motions,
J. Chem. Phys. 107, 346-354 (1997). -
E. A. Hill and J. P. Yesinowski
Wide-line 14N NMR in solids and reorientation-induced redistribution of isochromats,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 118, 6798-6799 (1996).
Related bibliography
Simone Cavadini
Indirect detection of nitrogen-14 in solid-state NMR spectroscopy,
Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc. 56, 46-77 (2010).
Abstract -
S. Cavadini, S. Antonijevic, A. Lupulescu, and G. Bodenhausen
Indirect detection of nitrogen-14 in solids via protons by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
J. Magn. Reson. 182, 168-172 (2006).
Solid-state NMR bibliography for
- Aluminum-27 (鋁)
- Antimony-121/123 (銻)
- Arsenic-75 (砷)
- Barium-135/137 (鋇)
- Beryllium-9 (鈹)
- Bismuth-209 (鉍)
- Boron-10/11 (硼)
- Bromine-79/81 (溴)
- Calcium-43 (鈣)
- Cesium-133 (銫)
- Chlorine-35/37 (氯)
- Chromium-53 (鉻)
- Cobalt-59 (鈷)
- Copper-63/65 (銅)
- Deuterium-2 (氘)
- Gallium-69/71 (鎵)
- Germanium-73 (鍺)
- Gold-197 (金)
- Hafnium-177/179 (鉿)
- Indium-113-115 (銦)
- Iodine-127 (碘)
- Iridium-191/193 (銥)
- Krypton-83 (氪)
- Lanthanum-139 (鑭)
- Lithium-6/7 (鋰)
- Magnesium-25 (鎂)
- Manganese-55 (錳)
- Mercury-201 (銾)
- Molybdenum-95/97 (鉬)
- Neon-21 (氖)
- Nickel-61 (鎳)
- Niobium-93 (鈮)
- Nitrogen-14 (氮)
- Osmium-189 (鋨)
- Oxygen-17 (氧)
- Palladium-105 (鈀)
- Potassium-39/41 (鉀)
- Rhenium-185/187 (錸)
- Rubidium-85/87 (銣)
- Ruthenium-99/101 (釕)
- Scandium-45 (鈧)
- Sodium-23 (鈉)
- Strontium-87 (鍶)
- Sulfur-33 (硫)
- Tantalum-181 (鉭)
- Titanium-47/49 (鈦)
- Vanadium-51 (釩)
- Xenon-131 (氥)
- Zinc-67 (鋅)
- Zirconium-91 (鋯)