NMR references for quadrupole Hamiltonian
Patrick M. J. Szell and David L. Bryce
Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance and nuclear quadrupole resonance as complementary tools to study quadrupolar nuclei in solids,
Concepts Magn. Reson. 45A, 1-11 (2017).
Free access -
David J. Siminovitch
Spin precession: A spin-1 case study using irreducible tensor operators,
Concepts Magn. Reson. 45A, 1-23 (2017).
Free access -
Naoki Ichijo, Kazuyuki Takeda, Kazuhiko Yamada, and K. Takegoshi
Determination of nuclear quadrupolar parameters using singularities in field-swept NMR patterns,
J. Chem. Phys. 145, 134201 (2016).
Free access -
Mischa Adjei-Acheamfour and Roland Böhmer
Second-order quadrupole interaction based detection of ultra-slow motions: Tensor operator framework for central-transition spectroscopy and the dynamics in hexagonal ice as an experimental example,
J. Magn. Reson. 249, 141-149 (2014).
Abstract -
Alex D. Bain
NMR quadrupole Liouvillians for arbitrary spin: Exact symbolic expressions and perturbation solutions,
Concepts Magn. Reson. 42A, 45-58 (2013).
Free access -
G. K. Semin
On solving secular equations for half-integer spins (I = 5/2, 7/2, and 9/2) in NQR spectroscopy,
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R. Bhattacharyya and L. Frydman
Quadrupolar nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in solids using frequency-swept echoing pulses,
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S. Antonijevic and G. Bodenhausen
Quadrupolar transfer pathways,
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E. Kundla
Ensemble of single quadrupolar nuclei in rotating solids: Sidebands in NMR spectrum,
Solid State Nucl. Magn. Reson. 30, 9-15 (2006).
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A. D. Bain
A simple proof that third-order quadrupole perturbations of the NMR central transition of half-integral spin nuclei are zero,
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D. Kuwahara, H. Okamoto, and Y. Yamazaki
Feasibility of the overtone NMR for half-integer quadrupolar nuclei,
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F. H. Larsen
Molecular dynamics of half-integer quadrupolar nuclei studied by QCPMG solid-state NMR experiments on static and rotating samples. Theory and simulations,
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Z. Gan, P. Srinivasan, J. R. Quine, S. Steuernagel, and B. Knott
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Y. K. Lee
Spin-1 nuclear quadrupole resonance theory with comparisons to nuclear magnetic resonance,
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Geetha Ajoy, J. Ramakrishna, Semiha Bahçeli, and Jacek Klinowski
Powder MAS NMR lineshapes of quadrupolar nuclei in the presence of second-order quadrupole interaction,
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C. Bonhomme and J. Livage
Pictorial representation of anisotropy and macroscopic reorientations of samples in solid-state NMR: Second-order interactions,
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C. Bonhomme and J. Livage
Pictorial representation of anisotropy and macroscopic reorientations of samples in solid-state NMR: First-order interactions,
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S. Z. Ageev and B.C. Sanctuary
Analytical solutions for spin 3/2 off-resonance line intensities in solid state NMR,
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M. Goldman
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M. Goldman, P. J. Grandinetti, A. Llor, Z. Olejniczak, J. R. Sachleben,
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G. E. Jellison Jr., S. A. Feller, and P. J. Bray
NMR powder patterns for integer spin nuclei in the presence of asymmetric quadrupole effects,
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