西元 2025年 3月 26日
農曆 2月 27日
Solid-state tantalum NMR references
S. Rod, F. Borsa, and J. J. van der Klink
Order and disorder in pure and doped KTaO3: A 181Ta NMR study,
Phys. Rev. B 38, 2267-2272 (1988). -
E. B. Doering and J. S. Waugh
Search for hexadecapole interaction in KTaO3 by 181Ta-NMR,
J. Chem. Phys. 85, 1753-1756 (1986). -
F. Borsa and J. J. van der Klink
Nuclear magnetic resonance in KTaO3 with random site atomic substitution,
Ferroelectrics 53, 117-127 (1984).
Abstract -
K. Hütter, R. Karcher, K. Lüders, and Z. Szücs
Nuclear magnetic resonance in single crystal tantalum,
phys. stat. sol. (b) 70, K11-K14 (1975).
Related bibliography
P. Avenier, A. Lesage, M. Taoufik, A. Baudouin, A. De-Mallmann, S. Fiddy,
M. Vautier, L. Veyre, J. M. Basset, L. Emsley, E. A. Quadrelli
Well-defined surface imido amido tantalum(V) species from ammonia and silica-supported tantalum hydrides,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 176-186 (2007). -
S. Soignier, M. Taoufik, E. Le Roux, G. Saggio, C. Dablemont, A. Baudouin, F. Lefebvre,
A. de Mallmann, J. Thivolle-Cazat, J.-M. Basset, G. Sunley, and B. M. Maunders
Tantalum hydrides supported on MCM-41 mesoporous silica: Activation of methane and thermal evolution of the tantalum-methyl species,
Organometallics 25, 1569-1577 (2006). -
Terence P. Kee
Niobium and tantalum 1993,
Coord. Chem. Rev. 146, 17-36 (1995).
Solid-state NMR bibliography for
- Aluminum-27 (鋁)
- Antimony-121/123 (銻)
- Arsenic-75 (砷)
- Barium-135/137 (鋇)
- Beryllium-9 (鈹)
- Bismuth-209 (鉍)
- Boron-10/11 (硼)
- Bromine-79/81 (溴)
- Calcium-43 (鈣)
- Cesium-133 (銫)
- Chlorine-35/37 (氯)
- Chromium-53 (鉻)
- Cobalt-59 (鈷)
- Copper-63/65 (銅)
- Deuterium-2 (氘)
- Gallium-69/71 (鎵)
- Germanium-73 (鍺)
- Gold-197 (金)
- Hafnium-177/179 (鉿)
- Indium-113-115 (銦)
- Iodine-127 (碘)
- Iridium-191/193 (銥)
- Krypton-83 (氪)
- Lanthanum-139 (鑭)
- Lithium-6/7 (鋰)
- Magnesium-25 (鎂)
- Manganese-55 (錳)
- Mercury-201 (銾)
- Molybdenum-95/97 (鉬)
- Neon-21 (氖)
- Nickel-61 (鎳)
- Niobium-93 (鈮)
- Nitrogen-14 (氮)
- Osmium-189 (鋨)
- Oxygen-17 (氧)
- Palladium-105 (鈀)
- Potassium-39/41 (鉀)
- Rhenium-185/187 (錸)
- Rubidium-85/87 (銣)
- Ruthenium-99/101 (釕)
- Scandium-45 (鈧)
- Sodium-23 (鈉)
- Strontium-87 (鍶)
- Sulfur-33 (硫)
- Tantalum-181 (鉭)
- Titanium-47/49 (鈦)
- Vanadium-51 (釩)
- Xenon-131 (氥)
- Zinc-67 (鋅)
- Zirconium-91 (鋯)