Double-quantum/single-quantum correlation experiments:
cnst31: sample rotation frequency
- B1=7*cnst31
pc71d: 1D POST_C7 double-quantum excitation.
pc72d: 2D POST_C7 double-quantum excitation,
t1 increment in0 = n/cnst31.
pc72dlsw: 2D large double-quantum F1 spectral width POST_C7 excitation,
t1 increment inf1 = n(2/cnst31)/7.
pc72dbigsw: 2D big double-quantum F1 spectral width POST_C7 excitation,
t1 increment inf1 = p9.
pc7cp2d: 2D cross-polarization POST_C7 double-quantum excitation,
t1 increment in0 = n/cnst31.
- B1=7*cnst31
r14-2-6_1d: 1D R1426 double-quantum excitation.
r14-2-6_2d: 2D R1426 double-quantum excitation,
t1 increment in0 = n/cnst31.
r14-2-6_2dbsw: 2D big double-quantum F1 spectral width R1426 excitation,
t1 increment inf1 = p9.
r14-2-6hp_2d: 2D high-power decoupling
for R1426 double-quantum excitation,
t1 increment in0 = n/cnst31.
- B1=5*cnst31
spc51d: 1D SPC5 double-quantum excitation.
spc52d: 2D SPC5 double-quantum excitation,
t1 increment in0 = n/cnst31.
spc52dlsw: 2D large double-quantum F1 spectral width SPC5 excitation,
t1 increment inf1 = n(2/cnst31)/5.
spc52dbigsw: 2D big double-quantum F1 spectral width SPC5 excitation,
t1 increment inf1 = p9.
spc5cp1d: 1D cross polarization for SPC5 double-quantum excitation.
spc5cp2d: 2D cross polarization for SPC5 double-quantum excitation,
t1 increment in0 = n/cnst31.
spc5cp2dlsw: 2D cross polarization
for large double-quantum F1 spectral width SPC5 excitation,
t1 increment inf1 = n(2/cnst31)/5.
spc5cp2dbigsw: 2D cross polarization
for big double-quantum F1 spectral width SPC5 excitation,
t1 increment inf1 = p9.
- B1=3.5*cnst31
c14-4-5_1d: 1D C1445 double-quantum excitation.
c14-4-5_2dbsw: 2D big double-quantum F1 spectral width C1445 excitation,
t1 increment inf1 = p9.
c14-4--5_1d: 1D C144-5 double-quantum excitation.
- B1=3*cnst31
r12-2-5_1d: 1D R1225 double-quantum excitation.
r12-2-5_2d: 2D R1225 double-quantum excitation,
t1 increment in0 = n/cnst31.
r12-2-5_2dbsw: 2D big double-quantum F1 spectral width R1225 excitation,
t1 increment inf1 = p9.
- B1=1.75*cnst31
r14-4-5_1d: 1D R1445 double-quantum excitation.
r14-4-5_2d: 2D R1445 double-quantum excitation,
t1 increment in0 = n/cnst31.
r14-4-5_2dbsw: 2D big double-quantum F1 spectral width R1445 excitation,
t1 increment inf1 = p9.
- B1 and cnst31 are independent
baba1: 1D/2D HP decoupling 1-rotor period BABA double-quantum excitation.
baba2rot: 1D/2D 2-rotor period BABA double-quantum excitation.
babacp2: 1D/2D cross polarization for 2-rotor period BABA
double-quantum excitation.
Using symmetry to design pulse sequences in solid-state NMR, Leiden-SSNMR-2000
(0.5 Mb PDF file) by Malcolm Levitt, Stockholm University, Sweden
- Deanne Marie Taylor,
"Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Coherence Transfer in a Homonuclear Two Spin-1/2 Solid-State System."
Biophysics Graduate Program, University of Michigan 2001.