PC72dbigsw: 2D big double-quantum F1 spectral width POST_C7 pulse program

Home and Applets > Pulse Program > Topspin 2.1, Avance III > 2Q/1Q Correlation > 2D Big DQ F1 Spectral Width POST_C7 Pulse Program
2D double-quantum excitation with PC7 pulse sequence

Since non-phase cycling is applied to the PC7 excitation pulse, four-phase cycling is applied to the detection pulse P1 for selecting the 0Q -> -1Q coherence order jump, and four-phase cycling is applied to the PC7 reconversion pulse for filtering DQ coherences.

space-spin selection diagram for C7 pulse sequence
CN pulse sequence

Andreas Brinkmann, Mattias Edén, and Malcolm H. Levitt, Synchronous helical pulse sequences in magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance: Double quantum recoupling of multiple-spin systems, J. Chem. Phys. 112, 8539-8554 (2000).

*** Outline ***

Code for Avance III spectrometers with topSpin2.1 operating system

;pc72dbigsw (TopSpin 2.0)

;SQ-DQ experiment using POST_C7 sequence
;for setup of the 2D INADEQUATE type experiments
;Hohwy, M. Jakobsen, H.J. Eden, M. Levitt, M.H., Nielsen, N.C., 
;J. Chem. Phys. 108, 2686-2694 (1998)
;revised 09/09/03 JOS

;Avance II+ version
;d1 :recycle delay
;d0 : incremented delay (2D) [1 usec]
;d20 :delay between saturation pulses

;pl1 : f1 power level for presaturation pulses and detection pulse
;pl7 : for C7 recoupling sequence, B1=7*cnst31 in Hz
;pl2 : =120 dB, not used here

;p1 : detection pulse at pl1
;p9 : used as t1 increment (= inf1) for d0

;cnst31 : spinning speed, make sure cnst31>1000
;l1  : number of composite C7 cycles for DQ excitation 
;l20 : # of pulses in saturation pulse train, 0 if undesired
;FnMode : undefined because the pulse program contains no mc statement
;nd0 : 1
;ns  : n*16
;WDW : F1 QSINE 3,  F2 QSINE 2 or EM
;zgoptns :-Dpresat or blank

;$COMMENT=SQ-DQ experiment with post-C7 sequence
;$TYPE=direct excitation
;$SUBTYPE=homonuclear correlation

define loopcounter count       ;for STATES-TPPI procedure
  "count=td1/2"                ;and STATES cos/sin procedure

define pulse tau1
  "tau1=((0.25s/cnst31)/7)"    ; 90° pulse
define pulse tau4
  "tau4=((1s/cnst31)/7)"       ;360° pulse
define pulse tau3
  "tau3=((0.75s/cnst31)/7)"    ;270° pulse


;cnst11 : to adjust t=0 for acquisition, if digmod = baseopt

#include <rot_prot.incl>

  ze                           ;acquire into a cleared memory

  "d0=0.1u"                    ;make sure a short d0 is used initially

1 d31

#ifdef presat                  ;set with -Dpresat
pres, d20                      ;delay between saturation pulses
  (p1 pl1 ph1):f1              ;saturation loop
  lo to pres times l20
#endif /* presat */

2 d1                           ;recycle delay

  "cnst1=180*cnst31*d0"        ;phase correction for PC7 reconversion pulse
                               ;due to t1 DQ evolution period,
                               ;defined by the phase-time relationships

  1m rpp11                     ;reset the phase program ph11 pointer to the first element
  1m rpp12                     ;reset the phase program ph12 pointer to the first element
  1m rpp13                     ;reset the phase program ph13 pointer to the first element
  1m rpp14                     ;reset the phase program ph14 pointer to the first element
  1u pl7:f1                    ;switch to PC7 RF condition

3 tau1:f1 ph11 ipp13 ipp14     ;pc7 excitation, 1 loop = 2*Tr/7,
                               ;increment reconversion pulse phase ph13 and ph14
                               ;pointers to the next phase in the lists
  tau4:f1 ph12 ipp12           ;increment phase ph12 pointer
  tau3:f1 ph11 ipp11           ;and phase ph11 pointer
                               ;to the next phase in the lists
  lo to 3 times l1

  d0                           ;double-quantum evolution period

6 tau1:f1 ph13+cnst1           ;pc7 reconversion, 1 loop = 2*Tr/7,
                               ;increase ph13 by cnst1 due to evolution period
  tau4:f1 ph14+cnst1 ipp14     ;increase ph14 by cnst1 due to evolution period, 
                               ;increment phase ph14 pointer to the next phase in the list
  tau3:f1 ph13+cnst1 ipp13     ;increase ph13 by cnst1 due to evolution period, 
                               ;increment phase ph13 pointer to the next phase in the list
  lo to 6 times l1

  (p1 pl1 ph5):f1              ;detection pulse
  gosc ph31                    ;gosc does not loop to 1
                               ;start ADC with ph31 signal routing

                               ;DQ filtering (four phase cycling):
  ;1m ip13                      ;increments all phases of ph13 by 90°
  ;1m ip14                      ;increments all phases of ph14 by 90°
  1m ip13*16384                ;increments all phases of ph13 by 90°
  1m ip14*16384                ;increments all phases of ph14 by 90°
  lo to 2 times ns             ;next scan

  100m wr #0 if #0 zd          ;delay for disk I/O, store signal,
                               ;increase FID number
                               ;delete memory data
                               ;do not perform dummy scans
                               ;with next acquisition

  ;1m  ip11                     ;increments all phases of ph11 by 45°, 
                                ;90° phase for DQ coherence
  ;1m  ip12                     ;increments all phases of ph12 by 45°,
                                ;90° phase for DQ coherence
  1m  ip11*8192                ;increments all phases of ph11 by 45°,
                               ;90° phase for DQ coherence
  1m  ip12*8192                ;increments all phases of ph12 by 45°,
                               ;90° phase for DQ coherence
  lo to 1 times 2              ;t1 quadrature detection

  "d0=d0+p9"                   ;set p9=inf1=increment for F1 (to make it usec!)

  ;1m rp11                     ;reset all phases of ph11, ph12, ph13, and ph14 
  ;1m rp12                     ;to their original values, i.e. to the values they 
  ;1m rp13                     ;had before the first ip11, ip12, ip13, and ip14
  ;1m rp14                     ;in case of STATES remove semicolon at beginning of the 4 lines

  lo to 1 times count          ;count = td1/2

HaltAcqu, 1m

ph1= 0                         ;for saturation pulse

;ph11 = (float,45.0)   0.00  51.43 102.86 154.29 205.71 257.14 308.57
;ph12 = (float,45.0) 180.00 231.43 282.86 334.29 385.71 437.14 488.57
;ph13 = (float,90.0)   0.00  51.43 102.86 154.29 205.71 257.14 308.57
;ph14 = (float,90.0) 180.00 231.43 282.86 334.29 385.71 437.14 488.57

ph11=(65536)     0  9362 18725 28087 37449 46811 56174
ph12=(65536) 32768 42130 51493 60855  4681 14043 23406
ph13=(65536)     0  9362 18725 28087 37449 46811 56174
ph14=(65536) 32768 42130 51493 60855  4681 14043 23406

ph5=   0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3
ph31 = 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 1    ;ph31 = ph5 + 2*ph13


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