Since non-phase cycling is applied to the BABA reconversion pulse, four-phase cycling is applied to the BABA excitation pulse for filtering DQ coherences and four-phase cycling is applied to the detection pulse P1 for selecting the 0Q -> -1Q coherence order jump.
;baba1 (TopSpin 2.0) ;2D SQ-DQ correlation experiment for 1 rotor period recoupling using BABA ;standard experiment for 1H DQ spectra ;M. Feike, D.E. Demco, R. Graf, J. Gottwald, S. Hafner, and H.W. Spiess JMR A 122, 214-221 (1996) ;written by JOS, 11/12/03 ;Avance II+ version ;parameters: ;d1 : recycle delay ;pl1 : for 90 degree BABA pulses ;pl2 : = 120 dB, not used ;pl12 : for decoupling ;cpdprg2 : decoupling sequence (tppm, cw, etc.) ;p1 : 90 degree pulse (in BABA sequence) ;pcpd2 : pulse length in decoupling sequence ;cnst31 : rotation rate in Hz ;ns : n*16 ;FnMode: States-TPPI or STATES ;$COMMENT=SQ-DQ experiment with BABA for 1 rotor period ;$CLASS=Solids ;$DIM=2D ;$TYPE=direct excitation ;$SUBTYPE=homonuclear correlation ;$OWNER=Bruker define delay tau "tau=0.5s/cnst31-p1*2" "d0=1u" "in0=1s/cnst31" ;cnst11 : to adjust t=0 for acquisition, if digmod = baseopt "acqt0=1u*cnst11" 1 ze 2 10m do:f2 ;F2 decoupler off d1 ;recycle delay (p1 pl1 ph1):f1 (1u cpds2):f2 ;DQ excitation, F2 decoupling tau (p1 ph10):f1 (p1 ph11):f1 tau (p1 ph12):f1 d0 ;DQ evolution (p1 ph2):f1 ;DQ reconversion tau (p1 ph20):f1 (p1 ph21):f1 tau (p1 ph22):f1 (p1 ph3):f1 ;detection pulse go=2 ph31 1m do:f2 ;F2 decoupler off 10m mc #0 to 2 F1PH(ip1 & ip10 & ip11 & ip12, id0) exit ph1= (8) 0 2 4 6 ; x y -x -y ph10=(8) 4 6 0 2 ;-x -y x y ph11=(8) 2 4 6 0 ; y -x -y x ph12=(8) 6 0 2 4 ;-y x y -x ph2= 0 ; x ph20=2 ;-x ph21=1 ; y ph22=3 ;-y ph3 =0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 ph31=0 2 0 2 1 3 1 3 2 0 2 0 3 1 3 1