29Si MAS QCPMG echo train of beta zeolite is truncated (see Figure 2 A) due to short acquisition duration. Without line broadening processing of the echo train, wiggles appear in the spikelet spectrum (see Figure 3 A).
Forward linear prediction processing of the echo train increases the acquisition duration with calculated data (see Figure 2). As a result, wiggles do not appear in spikelet spectrum. Furthermore, the signal to noise ratio of the spikelet spectrum is improved (see Figure 3H).

Figure 1: Forward linear prediction parameters for 29Si MAS QCPMG echo train, SI = 32k.

Figure 2: Application of forward linear prediction on 29Si MAS QCPMG echo train: (A) without linear prediction; linear prediction with NCOEF = 64 (B), 128 (C), 256 (D), 512 (E), 1k (F), 2k (G), 4k (H), and 8k (I).

Figure 3: Spectrum from forward linear prediction on 29Si MAS QCPMG echo train of Figure 2: (A) without linear prediction; linear prediction with NCOEF = 64 (B), 128 (C), 256 (D), 512 (E), 1k (F), 2k (G), 4k (H), and 8k (I).