We have simulated the same experiment as that described in Example 2 using SIMPSON version 1.1.0, a general simulation program for solid-state NMR spectroscopy provided by M. Bak, J. T. Rasmussen, and N. C. Nielsen, J. Magn. Reson. 147, 296-330 (2000).
*****Simpson 2 for two pulses*****# twop2.in # spin-3/2 central-line intensity optimization # with p2 in two-pulse MAS sequence spinsys { channels 23Na nuclei 23Na quadrupole 1 1 1e6 0 0 0 0 } par { spin_rate 10000 variable tsw 0.25 sw 1.0e6/tsw np 41 crystal_file rep320 gamma_angles 10 start_operator I1z verbose 1101 variable rf 100000 proton_frequency 400e6 } proc pulseq {} { global par maxdt $par(tsw) matrix set 1 elements {{1 4} {4 1}} matrix set detect elements {{2 3}} acq pulse 6 $par(rf) x filter 1 for {set i 1} {$i < $par(np)} {incr i} { pulse $par(tsw) $par(rf) x acq -y } } proc main {} { global par fsave [fsimpson] $par(name).fid puts "Larmor frequency (Hz) of 23Na: " puts [resfreq 23Na $par(proton_frequency)] } |
****Comment****File name. Description. Spin I = 3/2. 1st-order quadrupole interaction, qcc = 1 MHz, eta = 0. 10 kHz. 0.25 µs increment. 2nd pulse: 10 µs. 100 kHz RF pulse. 0.25 µs increment. 3Q and -3Q from the 1st pulse, density matrix convention Central transition, fictitious spin-1/2 convention. No pulse, no signal. The 1st x-pulse has 6 µs duration. Select -3Q and 3Q coherences. 2nd x-pulse is variable pulse. Receiver -y. |
SIMPSON uses gyromagnetic ratios provided by IUPAC for the determination of the Larmor frequency of a nucleus. For example:
23Na Larmor frequency = Proton Larmor frequency * 23Na gyromagnetic ratio / Proton gyromagnetic ratio;
400 MHz * 7.0808493 / 26.7522128 = 105.8731007 MHz.
This curve represents the simulated central-line intensity versus the second-pulse length p2 with SIMPSON for a spin I = 3/2 system excited by the two-pulse MAS sequence.

This figure represents the correlation curve relating two simulations generated with SIMPSON (Simpson 2) and JDK1.3 Java applet (Example 2) for the two-pulse MAS sequence applied to a spin I = 3/2 system.