西元 2025年 3月 28日
農曆 2月 29日
The Wubizixing (abbreviated "Wubi") is a Chinese character input method primarily for inputting simplified Chinese text on a computer via a QWERTY keyboard. The method is also known as Wang Ma.
*** Outline ***
1. Wubizixing overview
✠ en.Wikipedia: Wubi method
✠ fr.Wikipedia: Wubizixing
2. Wubizixing overview in Chinese
✠ zh.Wikipedia: 五筆字型輸入法
✠ 五筆字型漢字輸入法的發明人: 王永民
✠ 王碼網
✠ Yong Min WANG
Research and application in Chinese input technology for numerical keyboard,
Chinese Journal of Computers 31, 1046-1055 (2008).
✠ Baidu: 极点五笔
✠ Lectures about Wubizixing from stuff.mit.edu
✠ Joe Wicentowski, 魏伟 Wubizixing for speakers of English (PDF)
✠ YouTube: 五笔字型 Typing Chinese with WuBi, Video 1, lesson for beginners
✠ 搜狗五笔输入法采用86版编码
3. Pictorial representation of Wubi sequence
✠ 我爱五笔网-五笔学习交流网站 [Wubi86 sequence]
✠ 五笔编码查询 [Wubi86 sequence]
4. Index for Wubizixing
✠ Wubi86 only - Online
Chinese - French dictionary
[simplified Chinese character only]
✠ Wubi86 only - Online
[simplified Chinese character only]
✠ Online Chinese WuBi Ime: 反查五笔编码
5. Online input tool
✠ Chinese input system - InputKing: 在線中文輸入
✠ 五笔字根表: 王码86版
6. Tool
✠ Full tables of Wubi86 sequences
✠ zh.Wikipedia: 极点五笔(杜志民) 程序下载贴
✠ The 2500 most common simpified Chinese characters (including Wubizixing code)
✠ Keyboards for genuinely large character sets
7. Other simplifed Chinese character inputting methods
1. 二笔输入法
✠ zh.Wikipedia: 二笔输入法
✠ Baidu: 超强二笔的学习
✠ 二笔键盘:

✠ 飞跃二笔快版使用说明 (word document)
✠ 飞跃二笔键盘:

✠ 神奇笔划四角键盘(GB三码):

3. More
✠ 和字网

✠ 新华输入法学习教程(部首部分)

✠ 新华输入法
✠ 新方码

✠ 三笔输入法
8. Wubizixing keyboard
✠ Wubi86 keyboard:

✠ Wubi86 keyboard:

✠ Wubi98 keyboard: