The CKC Chinese input method is based on the character structure. It is invented by Chow Chung Kai 周忠繼, the Honorary Chairman of the Kiangsu-Chekiang Residents (H.K.) Association. It only uses a maximum of 4 digits ("0" - "9") to represent a Chinese character. It is applicable to a variety of operating systems such as MS Windows, PalmOne cellular phone, Pocket PC, Palm PDA (OS4 and above).
*** Outline ***
1. CKC Chinese input method overview
✦ en.Wikipedia: CKC Chinese input system
✦ fed.cuhk: CKC 2002 Chinese input method (縱橫輸入法)
✦ CKC Chinese input system is available at CityU
✦ > 縱橫教學 > 各校教材: CKC Chinese input method (MS Word file
in English) by Esther S. C. Chan, K. H. Tse and Kevin K. F. Ng
✦ HOORAY! 縱橫天下 溝通世界 Share experience, answer question and communicate to whom are interested in CKC Input Method.
2. Online CKC Chinese input tool 網上縱橫輸入2002簡易版, 2000A版 (use Internet Explorer browser for CKC on web)
3. CKC Chinese input software and IME
✦ 縱橫輸入法2006(BIG5)研習課程講義 (PDF file)
4. 縱橫漢字輸入法
✦ > 縱橫軟件 > CKC2002 > 取碼方法, 縱橫輸入法2002簡易版取碼方法
✦ > 縱橫教學 > 各校教材 縱橫碼教材
✦ > 縱橫教學 > 各校教材
(配以廣東話旁白). Download the file then open it with Windows Media Player or
Media Player Classic
✦ 縱橫輸入法2002簡易版【教材】provides
(MS Word file in simplified Chinese characters)
✦ 縱橫碼取碼規則, PDF and MS Word files in traditional Chinese characters
✦ 苏州大学纵横汉字信息技术研究所: 纵横输入法培训讲义 (MS Word file, 3.3 Mb)
✦ 浙江省慈溪市白河中学: 纵横汉字编码法简介 (MS Word file, 181 kb)
✦ zh.Wikibooks: 縱橫輸入法教科書
✦ zh-yue.Wikipedia: 縱橫輸入法
《完全精通縱橫碼》 香港華通 李祥先生提供免費下載,
for traditional Chinese character
(151 Mb rar file)
(i) downloading the free version;
(ii) for English Windows XP system, select Chinese (Taiwan);

(iii) install the free software.
5. 縱橫漢字輸入法2000A
✦ Albert WONG: 縱橫漢字輸入法 CKC 2000A
6. CKC tool
✦ CKC dictionary (MS Excel worksheet) from 縱橫環球通訊中心
✦ 香港電腦漢字 楷體字型 基礎部件-按部件碼(Cc_Code)排序 (PDF file)
7. Other Chinese character inputting methods
✦ en.Wikipedia: Han character input
✦ en.Wikipedia: Chinese input methods for computers
✦ zh.Wikipedia: 中文輸入法列表
✦ zh.Wikipedia: 「字形输入法」中的頁面
----------- Four corner method -----------
✦ en.Wikipedia: Four corner method
✦ fr.Wiktionary: Sinogrammes - Index Méthode des 4 coins
✦ MDBG online Chinese character dictionary showing entries with four corner code matching
✦ 六碼筆劃輸入法
G6 Bihua Chinese Input Method is a stroke-based Chinese character and phrase input method. All G6 Bihua members come from Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong.

Lai-Man Po, Chi-Kwan Wong, Yiu-Ki Au, Ka-Ho Ng, and Ka-Man Wong
Six-digit stroke-based Chinese input method,
PDF file
✦ 行列小站
✦ 蝦米族樂園
8. CKC signs in numeric keypad
✦ CKC numeric keypad 1 (PDF file)
✦ CKC numeric keypad 2 (examples) (PDF file)