Romanization is the use of English letters to stand for Cantonese syllables.
Yue 粵 is a group of similar Sinitic languages spoken in Southern China,
particularly in the Guangdong and Guangxi provinces.
romanization from: The Routledge Encyclopedia of the Chinese Language,
authored by Siu-Pong Cheng and Sze-Wing Tang, 5 Feb 2016
* 羊城网: 每天讲着粤语的人, 往往也搞不清粤拼到底是什么回事
*** Outline ***
* Omniglot:
Cantonese (廣東話)
* Olly Richards: Learn Cantonese: The ultimate guide for beginners
* CPIME 廣東話拼音輸入法: 拼音對照表 (1 to 4)
* 漢語多功能字庫
Multi-function Chinese Character Database
supports several Cantonese romanizations (1 to 5, and others)
粵音系統 and voice
supports several Cantonese romanizations (1 to 6 and others), choice in
menu bar 廣州拼音 and provides output Cantonese Pinyin format and voice
* 粵音輸入網: 粵語拼音方案對照
add-on for Google Chrome and Firefox provides Cantonese voice
* Hong Kong Vision:
Chinese character to
Cantonese Pinyin converter supports several Cantonese romanizations
(1 to 4, and others) Output Cantonese Pinyin format
* Kodensha: Cantonese romanization converter (1, 3, 4, 5)
* dohliam.github: Cantonese romanization converter
* 開放粵語詞典查詢: Cantonese romanization converter
* Lotus Fa: Cantonese IPA translator
1. Jyutping 粵拼
* Jyutping 粵拼, 香港語言學學會粵語拼音方案, The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong (LSHK) Cantonese romanization scheme. Jyutping can also be used as a Chinese computer input method.
* YouTube: Everything you need
to know about Jyutping Cantonese alphabet & pronunciation 101
In this video, Jade will explore the most commonly used Cantonese Romanization
system—Jyutping 粵拼 and break down each initial and final for you.
* The Hong Kong Polytechnic University:
Jyutping basic
* 百度百科: 粵語
* Wikipedia: Hong Kong Cantonese
* The Hong Kong Cantonese language: Current features and future prospects,
Robert S. Bauer,
Global Chinese 2, 115–161 (2016)
* Bruce's blog: 粤语自学教程
free online Chinese-English dictionary supports Jyutping and voice
* 粵語審音配詞字庫 Chinese character database: With word-formations, phonologically disambiguated according to the Cantonese dialect supports Jyutping 香港語言學學會
* 粵典:
查字典 with Jyutping and voice
* 發音字典: 粵音資料集叢 supports Jyutping and voice
* Cantonesetools:
聽廣東話 Jyutping and voice
* VoiceDic (语音字典): 汉语方言发音字典 supports Jyutping and voice
* CantoWords supports Jyutping and voice
* 粵拼與其他粵語拼音方案對照表
* 粵拼的拼音字母 錄音數據(据) and voice
* The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University 懶音診療室:
exercise and voice
* 香港中文大學自學中心: 聲母: 學一學 exercise and voice
* 香港中文大學自學中心: 韻母: 學一學 exercise and voice
* The Education University
of Hong Kong: EdUHK Cantonese
self-learning website with voice.
Cantonese /-eo-/ is another vowel not found in either Putonghua or English,
though it is a closer /-oe-/, almost like the French ‘eû’ in ‘jeûne’.
For beginners, the 2 final sets of /-oe- -eo-/ are not easily distinguishable.
Cantonese /-a-/ does not appear in syllables on its own,
but rather together with a coda.
* The Cantonese sound system 明信片簡介 (pdf)

* Cantoneseclass101:
the Cantonese alphabet from a to z!
* Cantoneseclass101:
Your ultimate
Cantonese pronunciation guide
* zh-Wikipedia 香港語言學學會粵語拼音方案:
粵拼的拼音字母是由拉丁字母 a 至 z 組成,其中 q、r、v、x 不用。
字調則以阿拉伯數字 1 至 6 標示。
* 知乎: 搜狗输入法 × 粤语拼音
* Structure of the
Cantonese syllable (based on Bauer & Benedict, 1997)
* Medium: 粵拼教程(1) — 「前言」同「基本智識」
* Medium: 粵拼教程(2) — 聲母
A. 聲母 (onset, initials)
共19個: b巴 p怕 m媽 f花 d打 t他 n那 l啦 g家 k卡 ng牙 h蝦 gw瓜 kw誇 w蛙 z渣 c叉 s沙 j也
* The Education University
of Hong Kong: EdUHK Cantonese
self-learning website with voice.
Keeping the Chinese syllabic structure of ‘initial + final + tone’ in mind,
we use the concept of ‘null initial’ as a convenient way to group together
all syllables that start with vowels (that is, have no onset):
丫 | 屋 | 握 |
b /p/ |
p /ph/ |
m /m/ |
f /f/ |
d /t/ |
t /th/ |
n /n/ |
l /l/ |
辨別 |
枇杷 |
文明 |
芬芳 |
道德 |
通透 |
男女 |
流利 |
g /k/ |
k /kh/ |
ng /ŋ/ |
h /h/ |
gw /kw/ |
kw /kwh/ |
w /w/ |
j /j/ |
基金 |
期權 |
額外 |
嬉戲 |
{廣國} |
{狂礦} |
溫和 |
柔韌 |
z /tʃ/ |
c /tʃh/ |
s /ʃ/ |
ø /?/ |
m /m/ |
ng /ŋ/ |
祖籍 |
財產 |
信心 |
藹 |
嘸 m4 |
悟 |
B. 韻腹 (nuclei)
共9個: aa沙、a新、e些、i詩、o疏、u夫、oe靴()、eo去()、yu書
不圓唇韻腹 | 圓唇韻腹 | ||||||||
粵拼韻腹 | aa | a | e | i | o | u | oe | eo | yu |
國際音標 | [aː] | [ɐ] | [ɛː] / [e] | [iː] / [ɪ] | [ɔː] / [o] | [uː] / [ʊ] | [œː] | [ɵ] | [yː] |
漢字舉例 | 沙 |
新 |
些 四 |
詩 星 識 |
疏 蘇 |
夫 風 福 |
靴 |
去 |
書 |
* Jyutping 粵拼: I am a Cantonese
learner and I speak English
oe is the rounded version of e, the IPA is [œ]. Many speakers say it sounds
like ir as in bird, or ur as in fur.
eo is the short version of oe, the mouth opens smaller than oe,
the IPA is [ɵ].
* Wikipedia: IPA/Cantonese
IPA e/ɪ for i before k or ng, 色 英 IPA o/ʊ for u before k or ng, 福 風
* HanhNgiox 漢語方言拼音輸入:
i, u, e, o 均爲一個符號對應兩個韻腹,具體所代表的韻腹取決於所搭配的韻尾。
即韻腹 e, o, i, u 在拼寫成 ei, ou, ing, ik, ung, uk 時,讀音與和其他韻尾搭配時稍有不同,
* Liujgoj Cantonese:
Cantonese pronunciation, Part 2 — The rhymes
C. 韻尾 (codas)
共8個: -i西 -u收 -m心 -n新 -ng生 -p濕 -t失 -k塞
-i | 美 |
-u | 叫 |
-m | 檢 |
-n | 見 |
-ng | 競 |
-p | 喼 |
-t | 潔 |
-k | 激 |
D. 韻母 (finals)
韻腹加韻尾組成粵拼的韻母, 粵語共有60個韻母(另有兩個鼻音單獨成韻)
韻腹 | 單元音 | 複元音 | 鼻音韻尾 | 爆發音韻尾(入聲韻) | ||||||
- | -i列 | -u列 | -m列 | -n列 | -ng列 | -p列 | -t列 | -k列 | ||
i行 | [iː]長 | i | iu | im | in | ip | it | |||
[e]短 | ing | ik | ||||||||
yu行 | [yː]長 | yu | yun | yut | ||||||
u行 | [uː]長 | u | ui | un | ut | |||||
[o]短 | um | ung | up | uk | ||||||
e行 | [ɛː]長 | e | eu 掉 (deu6) | em | eng | ep 夾 (gep2) | et 坺 (pet6) | ek | ||
[e]短 | ei | en | ||||||||
eo行 | [ɵ]短 | eoi | eon | eot | ||||||
oe行 | [œː]長 | oe | oeng | oet | oek | |||||
o行 | [ɔː]長 | o | oi | on | ong | ot | ok | |||
[o]短 | ou | |||||||||
a行 | [ɐ]短 | a 嘞 | ai | au | am | an | ang | ap | at | ak |
aa行 | [aː]長 | aa | aai | aau | aam | aan | aang | aap | aat | aak |
英 ing [ɪŋ] / [eŋ]
益 ik [ɪk] / [ek]
屋 uk [ʊk] / [ok]
粵語有2個鼻音,分別是 m 和 ng,可單獨成韻,例如「唔(m4)」和「五(ng5)」。
aa /a:/ |
a /ɐ/ |
e /ɛ:/ |
e /e/ |
i /i:/ |
i /e/ |
o /ɔ:/ |
o /o/ |
oe /oe:/ |
eo /ɵ/ |
u /u:/ |
u /o/ |
yu /y:/ |
華夏 |
賒借 |
時事 |
菠蘿 |
{鋸靴} |
夫婦 |
主語 |
aai /a:j/ |
ai /ɐj/ |
ei /ej/ |
oi /ɔ:j/ |
eoi /ɵy/ |
ui /u:j/ |
買賣 |
逝世 |
美味 |
海苔 |
追隨 |
徘徊 |
aau /a:w/ |
au /ɐw/ |
eu /ɛ:w/ |
iu /i:w/ |
ou /ow/ |
咆哮 |
優秀 |
掉 deu6 |
逍遙 |
舞蹈 |
aam /a:m/ |
am /ɐm/ |
em /ɛ:m/ |
im /i:m/ |
貪婪 |
森林 |
舐 lem2 |
檢驗 |
aan /a:n/ |
an /ɐn/ |
in /i:n/ |
on /ɔ:n/ |
eon /ɵn/ |
un /u:n/ |
yun /y:n/ |
簡單 |
繽紛 |
天仙 |
乾旱 |
倫敦 |
判官 |
圓圈 |
aang /a:ŋ/ |
ang /ɐŋ/ |
eng /ɛ:ŋ/ |
ing /ejŋ/ |
ong /ɔ:ŋ/ |
oeng /oe:ŋ/ |
ung /owŋ/ |
生猛 |
萌生 |
{鏡柄} |
正經 |
光芒 |
奬賞 |
總統 |
aap /a:p/ |
ap /ɐp/ |
ep /ɛ:p/ |
ip /i:p/ |
臘鴨 |
吸入 |
夾 gep6 |
摺疊 |
aat /a:t/ |
at /ɐt/ |
it /i:t/ |
ot /ɔ:t/ |
eot /ɵt/ |
ut /u:t/ |
yut /y:t/ |
發達 |
物質 |
熱烈 |
{褐葛} |
出術 |
活潑 |
決絕 |
aak /a:k/ |
ak /ɐk/ |
ek /ɛ:k/ |
ik /ejk/ |
ok /ɔ:k/ |
oek /oe:k/ |
uk /owk/ |
策劃 |
{北側} |
赤石 |
積極 |
國學 |
削弱 |
祝福 |
E. 聲調 (tones)
* 以阿拉伯數字 1 至 6 標示在每個音節的拼音之後
from 基督教中國佈道會九龍迦南堂
* YouTube: Learning Cantonese -
* 粵音資料集叢 with voice:
* YouTube: [Ms. NG] How to practice Cantonese tones01 pronunciation learning
F. Jyutping pronunciation
* 維基辭典: 香港語言學學會粵語拼音表
* Jyutping Guide: Jyutping pronunciation
* The Jyutping Tutor:
Traditional Jyutping Chart - Vowel
* GitHub: 粵拼字表
* Adam Sheik 石亞當: Jyutping pronunciation guide
* 明報網站: 網學時代:粵語拼音輸入法易學過倉頡 重新認識廣東話
G. YouTube
* YouTube: 【廣東話教室】52 分鐘學識 LSHK 粵拼(中文科老師、語言學同學必睇)
* YouTube: 香港人學粵拼
* YouTube: 10週學粵拼 Jyutping in 10 weeks
* YouTube: ~學粵語~對照國語拼音學【粵語拼音】10分鐘就能搞懂!

* 冚唪唥粵文讀本 Hambaanglaang Cantonese graded readers
H. Online Jyutping input
* Jyutping:
Online Jyutping input method
* Branah: Cantonese keyboard - 粵語鍵盤
* 粵音輸入網: Internet Cantonese input platform
I. Jyutping converter
✠ Cantonese Sheik Parser: Adam Sheik 石亞當 provides Jyutping
* EasyPronunciation: Cantonese pronunciation tool - Jyutping translator
* Branah: Cantonese to Jyutping converter
* WrittenChinese: Dictionary
2. Standard Cantonese Pinyin 教院
* 教院 - Standard Cantonese Pinyin 香港教育學院拼音方案 developed by the Rev. Yu Ping Chiu (余秉昭) in 1971, and subsequently modified by the Education Department (merged into the Education and Manpower Bureau since 2003) of Hong Kong
* Wikipedia: Cantonese Pinyin
* zh.Wikipedia: 教育学院拼音方案
* Academic: Standard Cantonese Pinyin
* 粵語協會: 教育學院拼音方案 vs 香港語言學學會粵語拼音方案
* 香港中文大學自學中心: 粵拼方案比對
* Quality
Education Fund: A study of Chinese
characters recommended for Chinese subject in primary school
with Standard Cantonese Pinyin and voice
3. Guangdong Romanization 廣拼
* 廣拼 - 中國大陸廣州話拼音方案 Cantonese Romanization refers to the four romanization schemes issued by the Guangdong Education Bureau in 1960 to transliterate Cantonese, Teochew, Hakka and Hainanese. This scheme utilized similar elements with some differences to accommodate each spoken language type.
* 維基百科: 廣州話拼音方案
* web.archive: GuangZhou dialect (Cantonese) romanization scheme 廣州話拼音方案
* Academic: Guangdong romanization
* jointpublishing: 粵語(香港話)教程
* wanlibk: 初學廣東話 全書錄音下載(111MB)
* 搜狐: 粤语是怎样注音的?广拼和粤拼哪个更好?看这篇就够了……
* Dylan W.H. Sung: 廣州話拼音方案 GuangZhou dialect (Cantonese) romanisation scheme
4. Yale Romanization 粵語耶魯拼音
* Wikipedia: Yale
romanization of Cantonese
Graphical representation of the tones of six-tone Cantonese
1 高平聲
2 高上聲
3 高去聲
4 低平聲
5 低上聲
6 低去聲
* wikitravel: Cantonese phrasebook
* :
Chinese character detail page
5. Sidney Lau Romanization 劉錫祥拼音
* The Hong Kong linguist Sidney Lau modified the Yale system for his popular ‘Cantonese as a second language’ course, and his system is is widely used today by contemporary Cantonese speakers
* In Survival Cantonese - Self Learning Package, Lau’s Cantonese Yale romanization system is used in preference to the traditional one as it is regarded as a practical system easily understood by Western learners of Cantonese.
* SidneyLau: Sidney Lau Cantonese romanization system - Pronunciation guide
6. Hong Kong Government Cantonese Romanization 香港政府粵語拼音 (港拼)
* It is used for the romanization of street names, place names, and personal names, and does not indicate tones.
* Wikipedia: Hong Kong Government Cantonese Romanisation
* zh-Wikipedia: 香港政府粵語拼音
supports several Cantonese romanizations (1 and 6), choice in
menu bar 廣州拼音 and provides output Cantonese Pinyin format and voice
7. S. L. Wong Romanization 黃錫凌式
* S. L. Wong's A Chinese syllabary pronounced according to the dialect of Canton
* 粵文維基百科:
8. Online Chinese text to speech
* TTSFree: Chinese (Hong Kong) text to speech provides mp3 file
* TtsMp3: Convert text to speech free online and download it as mp3 in natural voices for Chinese (Hong Kong)
* Ekho: Chinese text-to-speech software (supports Cantonese, Mandarin) provides mp3 file and Jyutping
✠ TextToVoice: Free online text to speech provides mp3 file
* Micmonster: Free Chinese text to speech provides mp3 file
* Microsoft Bing translator with voice
9. International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
✠ International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA):
++Chart with sounds
++Cantonese to IPA translator
* Ipachart: Interactive IPA chart with sounds
* University of Victoria: International Phonetic Alphabet - audio illustrations
* Wikipédia: Alphabet phonétique international
* Chinese (Hong Kong Cantonese), Eric Zee: PDF
* Wikipedia:
[eo] roughly like again but rounded
* Wikipédia:
phonétique français
Le [ɵ] n'existe pas en français
œ: sœur, jeune
* EasyPronunciation:
Phonetic Alphabet for French - IPA Chart
seul [sœːl]
oeil [œːj]
* masteryourfrench:
phonétique international pour le français
* maxicours:
phonétique international