We present, for WINDOWS-based computers, simplified instructions to install and to run the source codes of the 2012 denoising FID application. We should read the detailed instructions given about the source codes of the SVD applet before starting.
Download J2SDK1.4.2_19 if required.
Step 1: Install folders

(1) We create, if not yet, a folder called svd-application in our hard disk c.
(2) In the svd-application folder, we create another folder called svd-tmp5. The nmrsvd2012.jar file (see Step 4) that supports the 2012 application will be saved in the svd-tmp5 folder.
(3) In the svd-tmp5 folder, we create the nmrsvd folder, whose name must not be changed, because nmrsvd is involved in the Java files as a package.
Step 2: Download *.java files
We download the following Java files into the nmrsvd folder created in Step 1 by clicking on their links.
We download the following zipped folder and the text file into the svd-tmp5 folder created in Step 1 by clicking on its link.
We extract Jampack.zip folder.
Step 3: Compile *.java files
We open a DOS window. Then we select, copy, and paste the following green line(s) after the prompt (c:\>) to compile *.java files:
c:\j2sdk1.4.2_19\bin\javac c:\svd-application\svd-tmp5\Jampack\*.java c:\svd-application\svd-tmp5\nmrsvd\*.java
Step 4: Edit and run nmrsvd2012.jar
(1) In the DOS window, we change the directory to:
cd c:\svd-application\svd-tmp5
Then we select, copy, and paste the following green line after the prompt (c:\svd-application\svd-tmp5>):
c:\j2sdk1.4.2_19\bin\jar cfm nmrsvd2012.jar Manifest.txt .
The period at the end of the jar command indicates that all the files and subdirectories of the current working directory are to be placed in the JAR file. The nmrsvd2012.jar folder appears in the svd-tmp5 folder (See the image of Step 1).
(2) Clicking the icon of nmrsvd2012.jar folder starts the 2012 Java application.
A page of our web site describes the operation of this new Java application.