Wigner rotation matrices for second-rank spherical tensor
*** Outline ***
A. Wigner active rotation matrix
For static crystal, the orientation of the static magnetic field B0 in the principal-axis system (主軸坐標系) of the EFG tensor (XPAS, YPAS, ZPAS) is described with the Euler angles α, β, and γ (see EasySpin, Wikipedia, Wolfram MathWorld).

The component V(2,k) of the second-rank spherical tensor V in the obs coordinate frame is:

The Wigner matrix for active rotation is:

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B. Wigner passive rotation matrix
For static crystal, the orientation of the principal-axis system (主軸坐標系) of the EFG tensor (XPAS, YPAS, ZPAS) in the static magnetic field B0 (xobs, yobs, zobs) is described with the Euler angles α, β, and γ.

The component V(2,k) of the second-rank spherical tensor V in the obs coordinate frame is:

The Wigner matrix for passive rotation is:

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C. Conclusion
Both Equations 1 and 2 represent a passive rotation of the EFG tensor:
- from the PAS coordinate frame to the obs coordinate frame for Equation 1,
- from the obs coordinate frame to the PAS coordinate frame for Equation 2.
The Euler angles α, β, and γ in Equation 1 correspond to the Euler angles γ, β, and α in Equation 2, respectively.
Sometimes, Equation 2 is written in the following way:

The matrix D(2,passive,W)(α, -β, γ) in Equation 3 is the transpose of D(2,passive,W)(γ, β, α) defined in Equation 2.
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