XML modelling of MQMAS sequence
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) facilitates the sharing of structured data throughout the web. Its specification defines a standard way to add markup to documents. XML documents are composed of markup and content. In the present case, markup with elements including attributes is used. Attributes are name-value pairs that occur inside start-tags after the element name.
For example, the start-tag <A p='-1' w='2'> and its end-tag </A> describe the coherence pathway, = -1, generated by the first pulse A with winding number = 2. A is an element whereas p and w are attributes.
We use XML to model cogwheel phase cycling of the well-studied three-pulse split-t1 3QMAS sequence applied to a spin I = 3/2 system. For a single coherence transfer pathway selection, Levitt and coworkers found that the number of steps of phase cycling is N = 23.
We provide a Java file called XmlData.java (and its PDF) which generates the XML document called mqmas.xml.
Step 1: Installation
We create a folder called xmlfile in the folder containing Java JDK1.4 tools (that is jdk1.4/bin, of course, this depends on the configuration of our computer.):
Then, we download the XmlData.java file into this xmlfile folder.
Step 2: Compile XmlData.java
We open a DOS window, change the directory to that of Java compiler (javac), and call the Java compiler.
A file called XmlData.class is created in the xmlfile folder.
Step 3: Run XmlData.class
We run XmlData.class file.
A file called mqmas.xml is created in the folder containing Java JDK1.4 tools (that is, jdk1.4/bin). We copy mqmas.xml file onto WINDOWS desktop for XSLT numerical search. We can check the content of this file with MS WordPad.