We present, for WINDOWS-based computers, simplified instructions to install and to run the source codes of the rotary-echo nutation NMR applet for a powder. We should read the detailed instructions given about the source codes of the one-pulse nutation NMR applet for a single crystal before starting.
Download JDK if you don't have it already.
Step 1: Install folders
(1) We create, if not yet, a folder called nmr-applet in our hard disk C.
(2) In the nmr-applet folder, we create another folder called RotaryPowder. The MANIFEST.MF and RotaryPowderJDK118.jar files that supports the applet will be saved in the RotaryPowder folder.
(3) In the RotaryPowder folder, we create the ppmrmn folder, whose name must not be changed, because ppmrmn is involved in the Java files as a package.
Step 2: Download *.java files
We download the following eight Java files into the ppmrmn folder created in Step 1 by clicking on their links.
Step 3: Compile *.java files
(1) We open a DOS window.
(2) We set path to include JDK10's bin, which is the directory of Java compiler (javac):
C:\Users\pm@pascal-man.com> path C:\java10\bin; %path%
(3) We change the directory to that of RotaryPowder:
C:\Users\pm@pascal-man.com> cd C:\nmr-applet\RotaryPowder
(4) We compile all the *.java files contained in the ppmrmn folder:
C:\nmr-applet\RotaryPowder>javac ppmrmn\*.java
(5) We create a MANIFEST.MF file in the RotaryPowder folder:
C:\nmr-applet\RotaryPowder>echo Main-Class: ppmrmn.RotaryPowderJDK118 > MANIFEST.MF
(6) We create an executable jar file, RotaryPowderJDK118.jar, in the RotaryPowder folder:
C:\nmr-applet\RotaryPowder>jar cvfe RotaryPowderJDK118.jar ppmrmn.RotaryPowderJDK118 ppmrmn
(7) We execute the jar file:
C:\nmr-applet\RotaryPowder>java -jar RotaryPowderJDK118.jar
A page of our web site describes the operation of this applet.