DUMBOdqSPC5sqbsw: 2D big F1 spectral width SPC5 2Q/1Q correlation with DUMBO decoupling pulse program (TopSpin2.1)

Home and Applets > Pulse Program > Topspin 2.1, Avance III > 2Q/1Q and DUMBO > 2D Big F1 Spectral Width DUMBOdqSPC5sqbsw Decoupling
Double quantum / single quantum pulse sequence with DUMBO

Since non-phase cycling is applied to the SPC5 excitation pulse, four-phase cycling is applied to the detection pulse P1 for selecting the 0Q -> -1Q coherence order jump, and four-phase cycling is applied to the SPC5 reconversion pulse for filtering DQ coherences.

*** Outline ***

Code for Avance III spectrometers with topSpin2.1 operating system

;2D DQ-SQ proton-proton shift correlation
;with SPC5 DQ excitation/reconversion
;with homonuclear DUMBO decoupling DQ evolution without prepulses during t1
;and windowed DUMBO acquisition
;S. P. Brown, A. Lesage, B. Elena and L. Emsley, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 13230-13231 (2004).
;modified after Leskes, Madhu and Vega, Chem. Phys. Lett. to remove center artefact
;This pulse program was written according to the corresponding DUMBO-sequence from
;the ENS-Lyon Pulse Program Library

;p9 2.4-4.5 usec, depending on probe deadtime, usually:
;for 200 and 300 MHz, CRAMPS probe required or use 4.5 usec,
;acqu or p9 must be as short as possible, avoiding dipolar coupling effects between DUMBO sequences,
;l11 or d9 must be as large as possible to improve S/N ratio, but keeping acqu positive and small,

;p1 : 90 degree 1H detection pulse
;p2 : presaturation 90 degree pulse
;p9 : acquisition window, 1.7-4.5 usec, depending on probe deadtime
;p10: dumbo-1   pulse for t2
;p20: dumber-22 pulse for t1
;p25: = inf1, for t1 increment

;d1 : recycle delay
;d5 : z filter delay, 0.1 μs or multiple of 1/cnst31, otherwise no signal
;d10: parameter for t1 value
;d20: delay between saturation pulses

;l0 : 0 as initial t1
;l1 : number SPC5 basic cycle elements, for protons 2-4 in real solids
;l3 : t1-increment multiplier, usually 2-4, to reduce required number of rows
;l11: number of oversampled data points to be averaged into one dwell point
;l20: # of pulses in saturation pulse train, 0 if undesired

;pl1 : 1H presaturation power
;pl7 : 1H power for SPC5, B1=5*cnst31 in Hz
;pl12: 1H power for pulses P1
;pl13: dumbo power
;sp1 : 1H power for windowed dumbo-1 (t2)
;sp2 : 1H power for dumber-22 (t1) (usually somewhat less power than sp1 since 
;      there is no window), set to pl13 as in setup experiments

;cnst1 : phase for SPC5 reconversion pulse due to t1 evolution period
;cnst31: spinning frequency (usually not more than 15 kHz possible)
;FnMode: undefined
;NS    : =16*n
;WDW   : F1 QSINE 3, F2 QSINE 2 or EM
;zgoptns :-Dpresat or blank

;$COMMENT=homonuclear decoupling with w-DUMBO
;$TYPE=homonuclear decoupling
;$SUBTYPE=explicit acquisition

;cnst11 : to adjust t=0 for acquisition, if digmod = baseopt

dwellmode auto

#include <Avancesolids.incl>
#include <Delayssolids.incl>

;  "d3=p9"                      ;p9 sets the window to make sure it is in microseconds
  "d9=0.1u*(l11)"              ;set the sampling window, defined in Avancesolids.incl
  "blktr2 = 0.6u"              ;this opens the transmitter gate 0.6 usec before the
                               ;pulse, so the transmitter noise is not sampled
  "l0=0"                       ;reset F1 dwell counter
  "inf1=(l3*(2*d3+p20))*2"     ;t1 increment

define delay dead
define delay acqu              ;small window, defined by d3, 2.5-4.5 usec depending
  "acqu=2*p9-1.2u-d9-.1u"      ;on probe deadtime
                               ;acqu or p9 must be as short as possible, avoiding dipolar coupling effects
                               ;l11 or d9 must be as large as possible but keeping acqu positive
define delay cycle
define loopcounter count
  "count=aq/cycle"             ;make sure td datapoints are sampled
define delay rest              ;make sure sampling proceeds throughout the sequence

define loopcounter count1      ;for STATES-TPPI procedure
  "count1=td1/2"               ;and STATES cos/sin procedure

define pulse pul360
  "pul360=(1s/cnst31)/5"       ;360° pulse
define pulse pul90
  "pul90=(0.25s/cnst31)/5"     ; 90° pulse
define pulse pul270
  "pul270=(0.75s/cnst31)/5"    ;270° pulse


1 ze                           ;acquire into a cleared memory
  "d10=0.1u"                   ;make sure a short d10 is used initially

2 d31

#ifdef presat                  ;set with -Dpresat
pres, d20                      ;delay between saturation pulses
  (p2 pl1 ph4):f1              ;saturation loop if required
  lo to pres times l20
#endif /* presat */

  d1                           ;recycle delay
  "cnst1=180*cnst31*d10"       ;phase correction for SPC5 reconversion pulse,
                               ;due to t1 DQ evolution period,
                               ;defined by the phase-time relationships

  10u reset1:f1                ;synchronise pulse and detection RF
  1m rpp10                     ;reset phase list pointer
  1m rpp20                     ;reset phase list pointer
  1m rpp11
  1m rpp12
  1m rpp13
  1m rpp14
  10u pl7:f1
                               ;SPC5 DQ excitation:
3 pul90:f1  ph11 ipp13 ipp14   ;increment reconversion phase ph13 and ph14 pointers
  pul360:f1 ph12 ipp12         ;increment phase ph12 pointer
  pul270:f1 ph11 ipp11         ;increment phase ph11 pointer
  lo to 3 times l1

5 d3                           ;DQ evolution:
  (p20:sp2 ph20^):f1           ;dumber22
  (p20:sp2 ph20^):f1           ;dumber22
  lo to 5 times l0

6 pul90:f1  ph13+cnst1 pl7:f1  ;SPC5 DQ reconversion:
                               ;increase ph13 by cnst1 due to evolution period
  pul360:f1 ph14+cnst1 ipp14   ;increase ph14 by cnst1 due to evolution period
                               ;increment phase ph14 pointer
  pul270:f1 ph13+cnst1 ipp13   ;increase ph13 by cnst1 due to evolution period
                               ;increment phase ph13 pointer
  lo to 6 times l1

  d5 pl12:f1                   ;z filter delay
  STARTADC                     ;prepare adc for sampling, set reference frequency, 
                               ;defined in Avancesolids.incl
  RESETPHASE                   ;reset reference phase

  (p1 ph1):f1                  ;90° detection pulse at pl12
  .1u DWL_CLK_ON
7 dead
  d9 RG_ON
  .1u RG_OFF                   ;take l11 complex data points
  (p10:sp1  ph10^):f1          ;w-dumbo, use 24 usec at 600 MHz or higher
  d9 RG_ON
  .1u RG_OFF
  (p10:sp1  ph10^):f1
  lo to 7 times count          ;make sure td points are sampled

  1m                           ;DQ filtering (four phase cycling):
  1m ip13*16384                ;increments all phases of ph13 by 90°
  1m ip14*16384                ;increments all phases of ph14 by 90°
  rcyc=2                       ;next scan
                               ;The rcyc statement is used for acquisition loops 
                               ;based on adc rather than go=label. Do not 
                               ;specify phase programs behind rcyc
  100m wr #0 if #0 zd          ;save data

  1m ip11*8192                 ;increments all phases of ph11 by 45°, 
                               ;90° phase for DQ coherence
  1m ip12*8192                 ;increments all phases of ph12 by 45°, 
                               ;90° phase for DQ coherence
  lo to 2 times 2              ;t1 quadrature detection

8 1m iu0                       ;increment counter l0 by 1
  lo to 8 times l3             ;for multiple t1 increment

  "d10=d10+p25"                ;p25=inf1=increment for F1 (to make it usec!)
                               ;d10 is the t1 evolution period

  ;1m rp11                     ;reset all phases of ph11, ph12, ph13, and ph14 
  ;1m rp12                     ;to their original values, i.e. to the values they 
  ;1m rp13                     ;had before the first ip11, ip12, ip13, and ip14
  ;1m rp14                     ;in case of STATES remove semicolon at beginning of the 4 lines

  lo to 2 times count1         ;count1 = td1/2
  exit                         ;finished

ph1=  1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0
ph10= 0 2                      ;windowed dumbo phase during t2

ph11= (65536)     0 13107 26214 39322 52429 32768 45875 58982  6554 19661
ph12= (65536) 32768 45875 58982  6554 19661     0 13107 26214 39322 52429

ph13= (65536) 16384 29491 42598 55706  3277 49152 62259  9830 22937 36044
ph14= (65536) 49152 62259  9830 22937 36044 16384 29491 42598 55706  3277

                               ;an overall constant phase shift of π/2 is applied 
                               ;to the reconversion pulse phases ph13 and ph14 for time reversal

ph4= 0                         ;for presaturation pulse
ph20=0 2                       ;dumber22 phase during t1
ph30=0                         ;needed for acquisition, involved in RESETPHASE
ph31=0 2 0 2 1 3 1 3 2 0 2 0 3 1 3 1                   ;involved in STARTADC
                               ;ph31 = ph1 + 2*ph13 + 1

Example: 1H in L-Tyrosine.HCl with AV500

1 - One pulse

1H L-Tyrosine.HCl MAS spectrum versus the one pulse excitation duration

1H MAS spectra of L-Tyrosine.HCl versus the excitation pulse p1 duration (pl1 = 9.8 dB), acquired with a 4-mm diameter, 12-µL HRMAS rotor spinning at 15 kHz, D1 = 5 sec recycle delay, and recorded with Bruker Avance III, 500 MHz WB US magnet.

Pulseprogram parameters for zg:

TD 2048
NS 4
DS 0
SWH [Hz] 100000.00
AQ [s] 0.0102900
RG 4
DW [µs] 5.000
DE [µs] 6.50
D1 [s] 5.00000000
TD0 1
Channel f1  
P1 [µs] 5.00
PL1 [dB] 9.80
PL1W [W] 33.58852005
SFO1 [MHz] 500.1666284

2 - Dumbod2

1H L-Tyrosine.HCl windowed dumbo spectrum versus DUMBO power

1H L-Tyrosine.HCl windowed dumbo spectrum versus DUMBO power

1H windowed DUMBO spectra of L-Tyrosine.HCl versus the DUMBO power pl13, DUMBO pulse duration dumbop = p10 = 24 µsec and rotor spinning at 14 kHz.

Pulseprogram parameters for dumbod2:

PULPROG dumbod2
TD 700
NS 4
DS 0
SWH [Hz] 20000.00
AQ [s] 0.0175750
RG 4
DW [µs] 25.000
DE [µs] 1.10
CNST11 0.0000000
D1 [s] 5.00000000
D3 [s] 0.00000300
d9 [s] 0.00000320
L11 32
P9 [µs] 3.00
P10 [µs] 24.00
PL13 [dB] 4.30
acqu [s] 0.00000150
count 292
cycle [s] 0.00006010
de [µs] 0.00
dead [s] 0.00000120
rest [s] 0.00000080
Channel f1  
dumbop [µs] 24.00
P1 [µs] 5.00
PL1 [dB] 9.80
PL1W [W] 33.58852005
PL12 [dB] 9.80
PL12W [W] 33.58852005
SFO1 [MHz] 500.1666284
SP1 [dB] 4.30
SPNAM1 dumbo_1+0
SPOAL1 0.500
SPOFFS1 [Hz] 0.00

1H L-Tyrosine.HCl windowed dumbo FID

1H windowed DUMBO FID of L-Tyrosine.HCl.

1H L-Tyrosine.HCl windowed dumbo spectrum

1H windowed DUMBO spectrum (red) and one pulse MAS spectrum (blue) of L-Tyrosine.HCl.

1H L-Tyrosine.HCl windowed dumbo spectrum for L11 = 16 and 32

1H windowed DUMBO spectrum of L-Tyrosine.HCl, acquired with the number of oversampling points L11 = 16 (red) and L11 = 32 (blue).

3 - 1D data

1H L-Tyrosine.HCl spectra versus the DQ power, acquired with DUMBO-SPC5 DQ/SQ sequence

1H DQ/SQ spectrum of L-Tyrosine.HCl versus the SPC5 DQ power pl7, L1 = 4.

1H L-Tyrosine.HCl spectra versus the number of SPC5 basic cycles, acquired with DUMBO-SPC5 DQ/SQ sequence

1H DQ/SQ spectrum of L-Tyrosine.HCl versus the number L1 of SPC5 basic cycles, PL7 = 10 dB.

Pulseprogram parameters for DUMBOdqSPC5sqbsw1d.ppm:

TD 700
NS 16
DS 0
SWH [Hz] 20000.00
AQ [s] 0.0175500
RG 4
DW [µs] 25.000
DE [µs] 1.10
CNST11 0.0000000
CNST31 14000.0000000
d0 [s] 0.00000000
D1 [s] 5.00000000
d3 [s] 0.00000300
D5 [s] 0.00000100
d9 [s] 0.00000320
d31 [s] 0.00007143
L0 0
L1 4
L11 32
P9 [µs] 3.00
PL13 [dB] 4.30
acqu [s] 0.00000150
count 291
cycle [s] 0.00006020
de [µs] 0.00
dead [s] 0.00000120
rest [s] 0.00003180
Channel f1  
CNST1 0.000000
P1 [µs] 5.00
P10 [µs] 24.00
P20 [µs] 24.00
PL1 [dB] 9.80
PL1W [W] 33.58852005
PL7 [dB] 10.00
PL7W [W] 32.07678986
PL12 [dB] 9.80
PL12W [W] 33.58852005
pul270 [µs] 10.71
pul360 [µs] 14.29
pul90 [µs] 3.57
SFO1 [MHz] 500.1666284
SP1 [dB] 4.30
SP2 [dB] 4.30
SPNAM1 dumbo_1+0
SPNAM2 dumbo_1+0
SPOAL1 0.500
SPOAL2 0.500
SPOFFS1 [Hz] 0.00
SPOFFS2 [Hz] 0.00

The duration of the basic SPC5 cycle is pul270 + pul360 + pul90 = 28.57 µsec. Two basic cycles last 57.14 µsec.

In the evolution period, the duration due to the two DUMBO pulses and the four d3 delays is 2*p20 + 4*d3 = 60 µsec. Since there is no signal sampling during this period, we can decrease the duration of d3 from 3 down to 2.285 µsec so that inf1 = p25 = 57.14 µsec. The 2D spectrum will be on-resonance in the F1 dimension if it is on-resonance in the F2 dimension.

4 - 2D data

1H L-Tyrosine.HCl ser file, acquired with DUMBO-SPC5 DQ/SQ sequence

1H DQ/SQ 2D ser file of L-Tyrosine.HCl, showing the number of FID for the F1 dimension.

1H L-Tyrosine.HCl spectrum, acquired with DUMBO-SPC5 DQ/SQ sequence

1H DQ/SQ 2D spectrum of L-Tyrosine.HCl.

Zoomed 1H L-Tyrosine.HCl spectrum, acquired with DUMBO-SPC5 DQ/SQ sequence

Zoomed 1H DQ/SQ 2D spectrum of L-Tyrosine.HCl, red-coloured numbers are distances separating two protons in Å unit from Luis Mafra et coworkers, J. Magn. Reson. 199, 111-114 (2009).

Pulseprogram parameters for DUMBOdqSPC5sqbsw.ppm:

TD 700
NS 16
DS 0
SWH [Hz] 20000.00
AQ [s] 0.0175500
RG 4
DW [µs] 25.000
DE [µs] 1.10
CNST11 0.0000000
CNST31 14000.0000000
D1 [s] 5.00000000
d3 [s] 0.00000228
D5 [s] 0.00000100
d9 [s] 0.00000320
D10 [s] 0.00000010
d31 [s] 0.00007143
inf1 [µs] 57.14
L0 0
L1 4
L3 1
L11 32
P9 [µs] 3.00
p25 [µs] 57.14
PL13 [dB] 4.30
acqu [s] 0.00000150
count 291
count1 80
cycle [s] 0.00006020
de [µs] 0.00
dead [s] 0.00000120
rest [s] 0.00003180
Channel f1  
CNST1 1.0000000
P1 [µs] 5.00
P10 [µs] 24.00
P20 [µs] 24.00
PL1 [dB] 9.80
PL1W [W] 33.58852005
PL7 [dB] 10.00
PL7W [W] 32.07678986
PL12 [dB] 9.80
PL12W [W] 33.58852005
pul270 [µs] 10.71
pul360 [µs] 14.29
pul90 [µs] 3.57
SFO1 [MHz] 500.1666284
SP1 [dB] 4.30
SP2 [dB] 4.30
SPNAM1 dumbo_1+0
SPNAM2 dumbo_1+0
SPOAL1 0.500
SPOAL2 0.500
SPOFFS1 [Hz] 0.00
SPOFFS2 [Hz] 0.00

Acquisition parameters:

  F2 F1
PULPROG DUMBOdqSPC5sqbsw.ppm  
AQ_mod DQD  
FnMODE   undefined
TD 700 160
NS 16  
DS 0  
TD0 1  
SW [ppm] 39.9866 34.9901
SWH [Hz] 20000.00 17500.875
IN_F [µs]   57.14
AQ [s] 0.0175500 0.0045712
NUC1 1H 1H
O1 [Hz] -3371.57 -3371.57
O1P [ppm] -6.741 -6.741
SFO1 [MHz] 500.1666284 500.1666284
BF1 [MHz] 500.1700000 500.1700000


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Solid-state NMR bibliography for:

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