Step 3: Compile *.java files
We open a DOS window by selecting from WINDOWS desktop:
Start > Programs > DOS command
for WINDOWS 9x;
Start > Programs > Accessories
> Command prompt for WINDOWS 2000 and XP.
We change the directory to that of Java compiler (javac):
c:\>cd \jdk1.3.1_20\bin
We compile all the *.java files in the ppmrmn folder:
c:\jdk1.3.1_20\bin>javac c:\nmr-applet\MQMASPowder\ppmrmn\*.java
If the process occurs properly, only the prompt appears again:
If the DOS window is in full-screen state, we return from DOS window to MS WINDOWS by pressing either CRTL and ESC keys simultaneously, or ALT and ENTER keys simultaneously, or typing exit:
In the ppmrmn folder of the MQMASPowder folder, files
with class extension are generated by JDK1.3.1_20:
AppletApplicationFrame.class, MQMASpowderModel.class,
MQMASpowderMVC.class, MQMASpowderMVC$1.class, MQMASpowderMVC$2.class, MQMASpowderMVC$3.class,
MQMASpowderMVC$4.class, MQMASpowderMVC$5.class,
Spin3Half.class, Spin5Half.class, Spin7Half.class, Spin9Half.class,
Graph.class, Graph$$1.class, Graph$Dataset.class, Graph$Point.class,
ComplexMat.class, RealMat.class, Nmr.class, Jacobi.class,
ListGentle.class, Node.class.