; hpdecqcpmgall.av (xwin-nmr 3.5) ; written by Stefan Steuernagel, February 2003 ; pulse program for quadrupolar CPMG sequence with high power decoupling ; samples continuously, including ALL pulses and ringdown delays ; for work up use AU program au_qcpmg to store echos only ; for summation of echos au_qcpmgadd may be used ; for more information check comments in AU programs ; may be used with digmod digital ; in edasp, connect logical channels F1 and F2 to same hardware channel ; in edasp, logical channels F1 and F2 must have the same offset (OFSX1 = OFSX2) ; in eda, O1 and O2 must have the same value ; !!! recable 1H channel F3 direct to probehead !!! ; !!! do not connect via the proton preamplifier !!!
; limitations: ; pulses and delays must be integer multiples of dw * 2, ; e.g. for dw = 1 us, all pulses and delays must be integer multiple of 2 us ;parameters: ;ns : 16 * n ;d1 : recycle delay ;d3 : time to allow pulse ringdown, 10 to 100 us ;d6 : enter duration of FID ;pl1 : =119, not used ;pl2 : =119, not used ;pl12 : RF power level for proton decoupling ;pl21 : RF power level for CPMG ;p3 : 90 degree pulse ;p4 : 180 degree pulse ;p25 : dummy pulse, not used for acq. ;l22 : number of echos to be acquired ;cnst1 : set td to number of acquired complex data points #include <Avancesolids.incl> #define DE1 (de1 rde1 adc ph31 syrec) #define DE2 (de2 rde2 ph30:r):f1 #define DERX (derx rderx RGP_RX_ON) #define DEADC (deadc rdeadc RGP_ADC_ON) #define DEPA (depa rdepa RGP_PA_ON) #define DE3 (de) define delay rde1 define delay rde2 define delay rderx define delay rdeadc define delay rdepa "rde1=de-de1" "rde2=de-de2" "rderx=de-derx" "rdeadc=de-deadc" "rdepa=de-depa" define delay del6 "del6=d6/2" ;"p4=p3*2" "cnst1=(10+p3+d3*(l22*2+2)+p4*(l22+1)+d6*(l22+1)*2)/dw" "p25=1/cnst1" 1 ze 2 d1 do:f3 10u reset:f1 reset:f2 reset:f3 DE1 DE2 DERX DEADC DEPA DE3 1u DWELL_GEN 8u pl21:f2 pl12:f3 (p3 ph1):f2 2u cw:f3 d3 (p4 ph2):f2 d3 3 d6 d3 (p4 ph3):f2 d3 d6 lo to 3 times l22 aq rcyc=2 3m do:f3 wr #0 exit ph0=0 ph1=0 2 ph2=1 1 3 3 ph3=1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 ph30=0 ph31=2 0 ;ph0=0 ;ph1=0 1 2 3 ;ph2=1 0 1 0 3 2 3 2 1 0 1 0 3 2 3 2 ;ph3=1 0 1 0 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 1 0 1 0 ;ph30=0 ;ph31=2 3 0 1 ; pl21 : f2 channel - power level for pulse ; [about 0.0 for B-LAX 300] ; pl12 : f3 channel - power level for CW decoupling ; [about -3.0 for B-LAH 100] ; aq : adjust to maximum 50 msec, td ca 2k
Graphic representation associated with the xwinnmr3.5 hpdecqcpmgall.av pulse program.