; qcpmgall.av (xwin-nmr 3.5) ; written by Stefan Steuernagel, February 2003 ; pulse program for quadrupolar CPMG sequence ; samples continuously, including ALL pulses and ringdown delays ; for work up use AU program au_qcpmg to store echos only ; for summation of echos au_qcpmgadd may be used ; for more information check comments in AU programs ; may be used with digmod digital ; in edasp, connect logical channels F1 and F2 to same hardware channel ; in edasp, logical channels F1 and F2 must have the same offset (OFSX1 = OFSX2) ; in eda, O1 and O2 must have the same value
; limitations: ; pulses and delays must be integer multiples of dw * 2, ; e.g. for dw = 1 us, all pulses and delays must be integer multiple of 2 us ;parameters: ;ns : 16 * n ;d1 : recycle delay ;d3 : time to allow pulse ringdown, 10 to 100 us ;d6 : enter duration of FID ;pl1 : =119, not used ;pl2 : =119, not used ;pl21 : RF power level ;p3 : 90 degree pulse ;p4 : 180 degree pulse ;p25 : dummy pulse, not used for acq. ;l22 : number of echos to be acquired ;cnst1 : set td to number of acquired complex data points #include <Avancesolids.incl> #define DE1 (de1 rde1 adc ph31 syrec) #define DE2 (de2 rde2 ph30:r):f1 #define DERX (derx rderx RGP_RX_ON) #define DEADC (deadc rdeadc RGP_ADC_ON) #define DEPA (depa rdepa RGP_PA_ON) #define DE3 (de) define delay rde1 define delay rde2 define delay rderx define delay rdeadc define delay rdepa "rde1=de-de1" "rde2=de-de2" "rderx=de-derx" "rdeadc=de-deadc" "rdepa=de-depa" define delay del6 "del6=d6/2" ;"p4=p3*2" "cnst1=(10+p3+d3*(l22*2+2)+p4*(l22+1)+d6*(l22+1)*2)/dw" "p25=1/cnst1" 1 ze 2 d1 pl21:f2 10u reset:f1 reset:f2 DE1 DE2 DERX DEADC DEPA DE3 1u DWELL_GEN 10u (p3 ph1):f2 d3 (p4 ph2):f2 d3 3 d6 d3 (p4 ph3):f2 d3 d6 lo to 3 times l22 aq rcyc=2 wr #0 exit ph0=0 ph1=0 2 ph2=1 1 3 3 ph3=1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 ph30=0 ph31=2 0 ;ph0=0 ;ph1=0 1 2 3 ;ph2=1 0 1 0 3 2 3 2 1 0 1 0 3 2 3 2 ;ph3=1 0 1 0 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 1 0 1 0 ;ph30=0 ;ph31=2 3 0 1
Graphic representation associated with the xwinnmr3.5 qcpmgall.av pulse program.
Rb-87 echo train of RbNO3
29Si MAS spectra of NaY zeolite, Fourier transform of the FIDs at the beginning of the echo train consisting of an FID following by (a) one echo; (b) three echoes; (c) five echoes; (d) four echoes; (e) two echoes. Rotor spinning speed: 5 kHz; recycle delay: 10 s; number of scans: 1080; first-pulse P3 flip angle: 45°; pulse P4 flip angle: 180°. 29Si spin-lattice relaxation time obtained with inversion-recovery sequence is about 40 s for the four lines.
Due to the number of P4 pulses in the QCPMG pulse program, the acquisition parameter l22 should be an odd integer.